Just a Colleague : Chapter 35

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Chapter Thirty-Five : 'Quinn baby'

"Jaya?" I called, treading down the hall of her apartment with Ashton by my side.

"Quinn", she sang, grinning widely as she pushed me onto the couch, seating herself beside me.

"I don't think I have anyone to invite", I sighed, a pout finding its place upon my lips.

"You'll find someone, Q. If not, that's perfectly alright because there's going to be seven people excluding your bring-along", Jaya assured, tapping my knee gently with a smile.

"But you're all basically dating and I'm just a fucking loner", I mewled childishly, slumping back into the couch.

"I'd ditch Mikey for you any day, Q", Jaya chortled shortly.

"I heard that! I thought you loved me!" Michael hollered from the kitchen where he'd been fetching everyone water.

"I do! But maybe I just love Quinn more!"

"That's pretty self explanatory. Like, look at Mikey and look at Q. Let's be realistic, JJ. Michael has fucking red hair and Quinn has brown. Michael is a dick and Quinn is Quinn", Ashton burlesqued.

I pursed my lips in attempt to stifle my laughter, although my lips began to swelter at the tight hold so I huffed out a breath of air, laughing vividly.

"You're an asshole, Ashton Irwin! I can't wait until Calum gets here! He'll love me like you all should!" Michael huffed dramatically, flicking Ashton upside the head once he'd set the drinks down.

"No baby! Don't ditch me for the fucking Asian!" Jaya wailed.

"I am not fucking Asian!"

I howled out in laughter, clutching my stomach in attempts to soothe the burn.

"Fuck off you almond", Michael muttered.

"I thought you couldn't wait until Calum got here?" Ash giggled, shielding his face as Michael slapped his arm.

"He wasn't supposed to know that I wanted him here!" Michael leered, grimacing in Calum's direction childishly.

"Awe, baby", the foreign voice which I believe belonged to Calum called.

"Fuck! It's Malum!" Ashton hollered.

"Holy fuck, you do look Asian", I blurted absentmindedly, my eyes finally finding the muscular tanned boy.

He squinted his burnt sienna orbs, leering upon me, "Fucking really?"

"Sorry!" I squeaked. "It just slipped out! But at least I didn't keep it from you because God only knows how many people keep it from you!"

"Shut up! I like you already!" Calum grinned, sauntering towards me to knock my shoulder playfully.

I beamed, smiling widely as he threw himself between Jaya and I.

"Fuck Malum! Qualum is real!" Ashton gushed.

"I have an almost girlfriend you asshole", Calum deadpanned.

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