Just a Colleague : Chapter 8

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Chapter Eight : Mothers & Phones

"I'll come and visit you eventually mother. I'm at school right now, just about to walk into the classroom actually", I sighed dramatically.

"Alright honey. I'll talk to you later, I love you", I halted before the door, the corner of my lips tugging up in a smile.

"Bye, I love you too", I sung.

I believed I'd done so quietly, although when Mr Hemmings opened the door, I realised I hadn't.

By now, my mother had ended the call.

"Hey sweetheart. How are you?" Mr Hemmings grinned.

"I'm wonderful"

"Good to hear. Who was that on the phone, may I ask?" Mr Hemmings allowed me through the door.

"Oh, that was my mother. She's been on my heels since I started work. Wants me to go visit her", I snorted, rolling my eyes.

"It's typical of a mother to miss her beloved daughter, sweetheart. Don't be disrespectful"

"Sir, I'm not being disrespectful. I visited her before I began working. I understand that she wants to see me but I'm worried she'll call while I'm teaching a class", I breathed, setting my coffee down on his desk after taking a sip.

I seated myself in the chair which was now beside his as he sat beside me.

"Didn't get me a coffee sweetheart?" Mr Hemmings pouted.

"Sorry sir, I completely forgot", I sniggered.

I didn't forget about the fact that I loathed seeing Mr Hemmings during the day, despite the fact that we were somewhat getting along at the moment. I forgot about the fact that he insisted I buy him a coffee each morning and bring it in.

"I'll just share with you, sweetheart. No big deal", the tall man shrugged.

He rolled his tongue across his bottom lip, combing his fingers through his barnet or gold atop his scalp.

Mr Hemmings was once again wearing casual attire which consisted of black ripped skinny jeans, high-top black converse and a red and black flannel.

The entire outfit enhanced the look of youth in his features and to say he was attractive would be an understatement - but I wasn't going to openly admit that.

"I don't believe you will", I retorted, running my hands along my bare thighs as I watched Mr Hemmings.

He grasped onto my coffee cup, his sapphire irises remaining glued to me as I raised a brow daringly.

With a final smirk, he lifted the cup to his lips, sipping from the lid.

I glared at him as he grinned, taking another, leisurely sip.

"That was my coffee!" I snapped, snatching it from his fingers.

"It is our coffee now because you didn't bother to bring me one", Mr Hemmings chortled, his eyes blistering in hilarity.

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