2: Welcome

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I packed my stuff quietly inside my room. Avoiding the sad thoughts. My school was full of memorable memories. It was my first school. I studied there 10 years since kinder! I can't just simply leave! I've watched the people come and go. I graduated elementary there too. And Nayoon...My best friend since birth. Our parents are really close and so are we. We are never to be separated. She's like a sister to me already.

"Don't overthink Yunji..." my mom suddenly enters. She leveled with me and wiped my cheeks that I didn't noticed were already wet with tiny pearls of tears,

"It's not like we'll never see again.." my mom reminded. "You can still visit, you're still our little angel." mom cheered.

"It's not that easy..." I said and hugged her. "I'm gonna miss you and dad do much." I said keeping myself from sobbing.

"Aww...We will too...We love you. Remember that." mom caressed my back.

I was like a little girl who was going to be parted from her happiness. I can't stand thinking about that.


Dad came with me to Seoul and so did mom. At first look, you can easily know that it was an elite school for rich kids. It had a humongous gate and a really big garden in front. I already felt tired and we weren't even inside the building YET! The halls were clean and fresh. The lockers were neatly organized across the halls. And the school was literally big you can get lost. it was Saturday anyway so there weren't any students roaming but maybe tutorial students. the gym was big and so was the opened court. There was also a football field and swimming pools which truly amazed me. It was full of things you wouldn't see in a normal school/university.

Until we reached the girl's dormitory. My parents weren't allowed deeper inside anymore especially dad. STRICTLY NO BOYS.

"So, I guess this is It." mom said. We stood outside the elevator.

"Enjoy your stay, always remember to eat, arasso?-You tend to forget to eat dinner. Drink your vitamins. Study hard. Be good here. Be friends with everyone like what you always do. Stay respectful and modest. Don't entertain boys too much. NO BOYFRIENDS. And-"I couldn't help myself and hugged both of them. My eyes started to water again.

"Don't cry little angel..." dad finally spoke.

"We're proud of you... Gieun nae! (Cheer up!)" Dad smiled and caressed my cheek which made me smile.

~ting! ~

"I have to go now..." I said full of sadness as I look at the elevator doors opened.

"goodluck and stay safe okay?" mom said and I politely nodded and both gave them a kiss.

I entered the elevator and had my final glimpse of them and heard the sound of the elevator closing. I pressed the 5th floor and patiently waited. But before I could even reach my floor, another student entered from the 2nd floor. She looked cute with her short jumpers and a long sleeved shirt. She was also carrying a luggage like mine. She didn't press any button so I assume she's in the same floor as mine.

It was awkward til our eyes met. She has really beautiful features. Boys must be partying around her. I wouldn't know, I'm from an all-girls school.

"Annyeonghaseyo!" she greeted. And that made me grin. She looks really cute.

"annyeong!" I replied with a bright smile.

"Are you also a scholar?" she asked.

"N-ne...Are you?" I asked. She nodded her head but then offered her hand.

"I'm Sandra. Park Alex Sandra. And you are?" she asked bubbly.

"I'm Yunji. Kwon Yunji Song. Bangkawoyo." (Nice to meet you.) I gladly shook her hand. As if on cue, the elevator opened.

"What's you room number?" I asked.

"I'm #87." she briefly replied and I was surprised.

"I'm also in #87! Guess we're doormates huh?" I said excitedly.

"Chagapda (cool). We can get to know more! "She said full of joy.


After fixing and arranging our things in our room, we both sat on the carpeted floor and had a small talk. 'Small'

"What school are you from?" she asked.

"Yeosu Valley academy." I said.

"I'm from Southview high school." she added.

"If I'm not mistaken, your school is an exclusive all girls type, right?" she asked.

"Maja. (Right.) And that is why I don't really get along with boys." I admit.

"Aigoo...I bet it's gonna be hard for you this term since you're studying in a co-ed already. Don't worry I'll be by your side." she supported,

"Aww...Kamsa!" I said.

"We should eat early dinner since we still don't know our way to the cafeteria." she said and stood dup. I followed her in agreement and took my bag.

We asked for directions to the canteen and we successfully found it. It was in the main building. We fell in line and we both could feel stares. We were obviously outcasts here. We didn't know where to pay and get plates for a start. We ordered the cheapest since a simple spaghetti meal costs a thousand. And the cheapest was 2 pieces of kimbap. I can't believe this school. It's like the foods here are made of gold!

We took our seat somewhere near the windows to enjoy the view of the forest outside. We chatted overtime till a fair boy approached us. He looks cute -///- and he really looks good in hid uniform.

"Hello ladies," he greeted. And we replied 'hi!'

"My name's Taehyung or you can call me V. I am the school's vice-president in student government. I am assigned to tour you around school tomorrow. So please wear decent attire and be in the lobby before 11 in the morning." he said.

"Sure." we both said and giggled. We always say same thoings really. It's like we're reading each of our thoughts.

"See you then..." he said and left.

"Ey. Why are you looking at him like that, huh? " I suddenly snapped back to my senses.


"Do you find him cute?" she asked with a naughty smirk. I quickly shook my head.

"N-no! I-I d-don't!" I said. Damn. Why am I stuttering?

"Oh really? Why are your cheeks red?" she asked leaning closer. I suddenly placed my hands on my cheeks to cover them. -////-

"I'm not! i don' even know how to blush!" I denied. I know how to blush. duh. Only, i blush when boys are near me. I'm not really used to them remember?

"Oh you don't have to deny- "

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!" before she could even finish, the girls inside the cafeteria shrieked in excitement of I don't know what. 

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