11: Officially

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We arrived infront of a fancy restaurant. He hops off the car and helps me out. I hold his hand delicately and stepndown the car. There were minimal people and from the looks of it, this is a high class cuisine. V closes the door for me and walked by my side.

"I-isn't it expensive here?" I asked him. He shakes his head. He pushed the two glass doors open.

"If you're worried about paying, don't. It's my treat. " he said briefly.

Darn. Why is this guy so kind?

And he looks really good in shirts. And his orange hair is killing it. And his height is so perfect. Wait. He doesn't have any pores on his face for Pete's sake! Wow. He might be pretty if he was a girl.

"Staring is bad, Yunji." V laughs. My eyes widen in realization that I've been staring at him all along. I look away and my cheeks burn. I see rows of food in every corner, plated perfectly.

It was a buffet.

"Here." he stoops down and takes a plate from below the counter and gives it to me.

"Take anything you want." he said with his adorable smile. I scan the whole room and I felt dizzy for a bit. This is my first time in a buffet...


"Yunji, eat more! You barely had a complete meal! How can you be happy if your tummy isn't?" V said as he pushed me up to take more food. I stop my feet.

"V, I'm really full. And, food isn't the only thing that can make me happy. Being with the Vice President of the SC is enough for me to feel comforted." I told him and placed my plate on the table. He smiles and nods

"Okay. But I'm glad you're fine now." he says and pats my head. =3=

"Hey, isn't the general rehersal today?" he suddenly asks and my eyes widen.



"V! The rehearsals start on four! I really have to go!" I say and he grabs my wrist and pulls me to the car. He bids the driver to drive fast. My palms sweat and my heart is racing.

I can't be late.

"Don't worry, they won't start without you." V says. I breathe deeply. I pull my hands and blow the fingers to stop the shaking.I shut my eyes.

Why am I so scared?

Dug dug dug~

"Are you alright?" He taps my shoulder and i just nod without opening my eyes. I cover my mouth and nose with my hands. I breathe and breathe.

Am I hyperventilating?

"Yunji, you're scaring me." I hear him say. I felt him move close. He holds my wrist and removes my hands from my face. He places his hand on my back and move it up and down.

"Y-you're...hyperventilating." he concludes. He hurriedly takes something from his bag. He pulls out a small paper bag.

Everything was spinning already. Darn I forgot my medicines!

Oh no not now.

"Breathe, Yunji." he orders. I take the paperbag and breathe to it. This can't be happening. Not now.

"What's wrong with her doc?" I hear my dad say.

"She has fragile emotions and a weak heart. If she can't control her emotions she might end up being like that everyday." I hear the woman with a white coat say.

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