Chapter twenty three

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Suddenly a brown wolf leapt in front of me. He growled. As if telling me to turn around. Me being the person that I am only wanted to go that way more after he told me not to. It's in my blood that attitude.

My father. I remember him being like that. Only just though. Grandad I don't remember at all. But I'm sure he was the same as me. Will not take no for an answer and is very persistent. Of course, I growled back.

I was his equal. He was no alpha or an alphas descendant, but I could smell the power on him.

But I was the top guard. I was higher ranked. He had no right to growl at me and not expect one back. But he didn't try and fight. Neither did I. He stood there blocking my path. His wolf was way bigger than mine which gave him the advantage. But huge wolves are often slower. 

I am quicker, faster than him. I growled again as a warning. He didn't growl back only held his ground. I stepped around him. He blocked my path again.

Then I dodged quickly and got around, biting his front leg and making a deep gash in the process. It would heal so I didn't care. I sped off. He didn't go after me. I stopped and sniffed for his scent. He had left. That's strange. That's no technique I've seen or encountered before. I know every technique there is! I turned my head towards the place where he was. Then suddenly deepwater hit my paws. It was higher than my head. I fell off a small ledge. I climbed and scratched at the ledge, just trying to get hold of something. Anything. I failed.

That's when I see a log drifting my way. If that log had not have lifted its head and showed off its sharp razor teeth I probably would have grabbed it to stay afloat, as the current was strong and pulling me under. It's lucky that log did so. You know I never realised how easy it was to mistake a crocodile for a log. Or alligator I can't tell the difference.

I nearly had a heart attack when I saw it. Then I remembered I'm a wolf! He wouldn't attack me. I got proved wrong. I guess for the croc it was like trying something new to eat when it was covered in sugar. Okay, disturbing thought.

He approached slowly eyeing me up. I decided it wouldn't really be good to be cornered, so being a sensible wolf I went left. More logs came forward. More and more logs until I was surrounded. I gulped. I was officially scared out of my fur. I whimpered and whined. Then realised that was stupid since the crocs wouldn't understand me.

The group was thinner on my right side. I make a beeline for it, thrashing about in the water. The croc that was there reacted immediately and opened his wide jaws snapping mindlessly at me. I dodged and got free of the crowd. They were in there natural habitat.

Water. Mine was more of a forest. Let's say I'm not comfortable having to fight crocodiles in a river. The current sped me up a little. But they soon caught up. One snapped at me tail taking a snip of fur. I yelped on pain and snapped my jaws on his snout.

He pulled back startled. But he got his bearings back and lunged for me. I got a few good bites. But he got more. Chunks of my fur went floating around the water. A trickle of blood dripped down my neck and into the water. I was about ready to give up. Exhaustion didn't begin to cover how I felt at that moment.

Not to mention the cuts scrapes and bruises I had covering my body. They would heal nicely and quickly but in the meantime, I look a mess. I was just biting and clawing at the water crazily now. The lack of air didn't help. I saw a little beach of sand just ahead. I paddled myself through the water frantically trying to get to it. I succeed.

I was dripping wet, shivering, cold, bleeding, in pain, tired, breathless and sore but I was there. I used my last ounce of strength to leap onto a ledge and pull myself up onto clean dry grass again. Never did I think I would feel this good to be on grass again. I figured I hadn't drifted too far downstream.

Wait am I on the right side oh the river?

Who could tell? I'll just hope for the best. I walked along the river on my way back. I saw a tree that looked familiar and instantly knew I was in the right place. My fur stuck to me as I walked back. I used my nose to track the way back.

My wounds were healed and I wasn't wet when I changed back near the house. My bruises and cuts were healed. All that was left was very faint pale scars. I went straight up to my room. I got on my new laptop. Rosa showed me how to work it. I turned it on and checked my email I had made yesterday. I had one from an unknown address.

It read:

are you ok? Please reply if you get this!

I decide whether or not I should send something back.

I sent :

What do you mean? I am fine.

It took me like 15 minutes just to find all the right keys.

The stranger replied:

You know. The crocs. You did fall in right?

I sent back:

Yeah... Wait! Who are you? Are you the brown wolf?

Stranger says:

Yes. Look I've got to go bye

I sent:

Oh okay bye.

I wonder who it was. I put my laptop on the desk and lay down on the bed. It was about five. Still very early. I didn't care. I was exhausted. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow...

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