Chapter forty four

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing.


"Is you refrigerator running"?

"I don't have one".

"Then you better go catch it"?

I laugh at their failed prank call. I didn't mind if they prank called me anyway.

"Well, that backfired huh"?

"Uh yeah".

It was two boys they sounded about 15- 16 years old.

"Who are you"? I ask.

"Um well I'm"...

"Shut up! You don't tell them who you are"! The other guy says.

"Can I guess"?

"Uh yeah I guess so".

I linked through the phone and entered their minds.

"Okay well, your Mike you've got brown slightly curly hair and grey/blue eyes, fave colour, purple? And he's your best friend Timothy. He's got dirty beach blonde hair and pale green eyes, fave colour a dark red a shade darker than the shade of blood. Correct"?

There is silence over the phone. I smirk at them and look over at Rosa who is also smirking. But of course she's got her eyes on the road.

"Hello? Was I right"?

"Every single detail. Who are you"?!

"You didn't tell me who you were, therefore, I don't have to tell you. Where do you live"?

"Pine River Valley".

"Oh really"? I say looking at the map.

"Well, I'm on the road right now and currently driving over Pine River Creek".


"Yep. Your werewolves right"?


"What about you"?

"Yup. What pack"?

"We are um rouges".

"Good thing I like you then isn't it. I'm part of the Silver Moon Warrior pack".

"Never heard of it".

"That's because it doesn't exist yet. Now have you got a werewolf map"?


"Go to the unmarked territory with The Boiling river running through it. Be there by sundown tomorrow. Bring all your supplies. Got it"?


"Good. Goodbye Mike and Timothy".

I hang up before they say another word.

"We have two new pack members".

Rosa rolls her eyes.

"You keep doing that we'll have 200 members by Christmas".

"Well that's what I'm hoping for", I said smirking.

But I wasn't kidding.

- Emma can we stop Louis wants to get some ice cream

-ice cream?

-yes ice cream he's been begging for the last 20 minutes!

He sends me a mental image of Louis begging him to get us to stop for ice cream.

-hasn't had any in ages

-okay then fair enough, next town we stop, tell the others.

"Rosa were stopping in the next town okay"?

"Yes sir".

We were currently at the ice cream shop and Louis was having a little trouble deciding what to get. Finally! He decides on orange chocolate chip. I get cookie dough. So does Greyson. He has good ice cream taste! Liam gets chocolate and Rosa gets her signature strawberry flavour.

We eat out I've creams and then go to another shop to get some more filling food. I notice Rosa yawning half a dozen times but don't think anything of it. She offers a coffee. Only I realise and remember she doesn't like coffee.

We each have a pie and some pizza. Not too healthy, but it'll do.

We have to eat we are growing werewolves. 4 boxes of pizza and a surprised waitress later... We were in the road again. I was doing a brain puzzle out of this book. I was too focused on that to notice we were drifting onto the wrong side of the road.

I see a beam of light. A truck was coming right at us. It blows its horn loudly and everything goes in slow motion.

Rosa swerves back onto the right side of the road and does a doughnut ( by accident) and spins into the bushes beside the highway. The headlights shine on the bush in front of us. The car wasn't damaged at all. I was fine. Rosa was fine. We were just paralysed with shock.

We almost crashed.

Rosa starts sobbing.

"This is all my fault"!

"No no it's not. We are fine. Everything is fine".

She just puts her hands on her face and runs away the tears.

My door opens and I turn to see a very pained worried Liam.

His eyes brighten a bit when he sees me.

"Are you okay"?

No, I'm not okay we nearly crashed, but in reality, I'm fine.

"Yes I'm okay".

"And Rosa is too".

He sighs in relief. He pulls me into his chest.

"What happened"?

"Rosa was too tired".

"So SHE nearly crashed! It's her fault my mate nearly died"!

His eyes were black.

"No no no it's not her fault I'm fine! Now calm down".

His eyes remain black and he breathes heavily. I place my hand on his shoulder.

"Calm down".

His eyes finally return to normal. Rosa is sobbing into Greyson arms while he tried to comfort her. We remain like that for about fifteen minutes. Rosa stops crying. I knew soon we would almost be laughing over it. But just then I see... I see... Something. In the bushes.

The headlights are highlighting them. And I can't help but wonder what it is...

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