The Game- Chapter 7

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Sophie's POV

"Oh my god, she's dead!" Someone shouted. 

I glued myself to Beverly. She was the only one in this whole clique that I actually trusted. She seemed friendly, and nice. She was outgoing, and smart. Plus, her boyfriend was best friends with Shane Andersen. 

"Oh my god, I've always hated Beatrice, but why did she die?" Paige whispered, about to faint.

"Girls," Nadia said in a low voice. "We have to get out of here. Everybody will think that we did it."

I started hyperventilating. Beatrice was dead. Everybody thought we did it.

Yes, I said we. Everybody here knows that I'm part of the Queen Bees now. Word spreads fast around here. 

Oh my god, this is going to ruin my perfect record!

I looked closely at the body of Beatrice. I found a strand of blonde hair, the same shade as Paige's. 

Could Paige have killed her? 

No, she was with us at the fire. 

Then I remembered we had split up, and the power had gone out. One of the Bees could've turned the power off, and crept across the yard, murdering Beatrice, already knowing where the mallet was. Apparently, there was no paper shredding. I wondered what I had heard.

I wondered who had done it. It hadn't been me, obviously. Nadia could've done it, but she did look upset, because we would be under suspicion. Beverly could've, and so could Susie. But If any of us had done it, Paige seemed most likely.

Her hair color was exactly the same as the strand that had been left behind. And she always seemed to have hated Beatrice, according to what she had just said.

"Oh my god, I've always hated Beatrice, but why did she die?"

Nadia ushered us all out of the yard. "Everybody, time to go home so we can figure this out. Bye, we'll see you tomorrow! Go home! Shane, leave." She said.

Shane had stayed behind. I looked into his deep green eyes, and he smiled at me. My heart fluttered. Paige glared at me, and stepped in front of me.

"Shane, leave, before I rip your head off." She said menacingly.

He looked offended, but left anyway. 

I wondered what was up with Paige. She was so defensive over me for some reason. Maybe she was just crushing on Shane. But I think it might be something else.

I'd figure it out later. Right now, I had to focus on the murder of Beatrice.

Mackenzie rushed over to me. "C'mon Soph, we have to leave."

She pulled me out the door before I even had a chance to say goodbye to the other Bees. I got pushed into the backseat of the car, tearing my dress.

"Hey! Do you know how much this dress cost me? I had to use up the savings I had gotten for three years!" I yelled angrily at her. How dare she rip my dress?

It had a huge tear in the side that showed my underwear it was so long. Now I definitely couldn't wear it again. And I had worked so hard to get the money for the dress.

"Sophie, I have to warn you about Nadia. She hates you. They're just using you for something." Mackenzie said.

I scoffed at her. "You're just jealous. If Nadia hated me, why was she being so nice? And why did she invite me into her exclusive clique?"

Mackenzie groaned and smacked her forehead. "They're using you for something going on! I heard them say it! After you and Beverly left, Nadia and Paige were talking with Susie-"

I froze. "You were spying on us? That's so third grade." I said.

Mackenzie gave up, and the rest of the ride was silent.


 The next day, school was terrible. In homeroom, people wouldn't talk to me at all. 

Thank god I had homeroom with Beverly.

"Oh my god, Sophie, thank god you're here!" Beverly hugged me as soon as I walked in that morning.

"I know." I whispered. "Everybody thinks that we did it."

Beverly shook her head. "I know the Bees hated Beatrice, but is it really likely that one of us would kill her? All of us are harmless, physically."

"I can't believe this. Nadia is getting interogated right now by the police." Beverly said. "They think she's suspicious because she won't admit anything without a lawyer."

"Nadia wouldn't kill Beatrice. Did you see her face when she saw the body?" Beverly asked me.

I nodded, the memory overwhelming me. Seeing Beatrice dead... that was a lot to take in.

"Honestly Sophie, for your sake, I wish you hadn't gotten into the Bees. You just moved here, you don't deserve this." Beverly said sympathetically.

I hugged her. "Nobody deserves this."

The bell rang, and we walked down to Gym together. The police officers in the hall watched everyone like hawks.

"It's like they think we're going to commit murder in the hall." Beverly said.

I laughed, even though it wasn't very funny.

Gym wasn't very fun. I usually liked it, because I loved running, and playing Dodgeball. 

But it was no fun when the police were watching your every move.

Beatrice was only the first. I can't believe everybody thinks the Bees did it. Or maybe they did... Since nobody knows who I am. But Beverly was right. Sophie doesn't deserve this. Or maybe she does. I don't like her much. Mackenzie and Sophie are going to wish that they'd never gotten involved with the Bees..... they're in hot water.


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