The Game- Chapter 18

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I'm really excited about this chapter, I've been planning this for a really long time :DDD There's a surprise in here, but if you've payed attention to the cast at all, I don't know if you'll really be surprised... *HINT HINT* 

Sorry if I'm freaking you out or anything. But can I just say, that 103 fans is amazing!!! I love you guys so much, and your support means so much to me, and I like knowing that people actually enjoy my writing. It puts a smile on my face every day. Well, that and One Direction :D

Okay, this was way too long. Enjoy!!!


Sophie's POV

Okay, I need to calm down. I've tried everything: music, writing in a journal, talking to my friends, talking to Mackenzie, talking to my mom, but nothing has worked. All I can think about is having to spend a week in isolation with Mackenzie and Greyson.

I know I'm blowing this way out of proportion, but I'm freaking out. What if he wants me back? No, that was a stupid thought, and I'd better get rid of it. If Greyson had ever actually wanted me, he wouldn't have ditched me for a date with Leighton. 

Mackenzie was sitting in the seat besides me, and we were about half an hour away, based on what my watch said. Only half an hour until I would have to face Greyson. For a strange reason, I wished Aubrey was here with me. 

Surprisingly, after the dance, we'd bonded even closer. Beverly, after kissing Heath, was considered an enemy to me. Nobody deserved to be cheated on, least of all Aubrey. She was such a sweet girl, and one of her best friends had willingly made out with her boyfriend, while knowing that they were dating. That was crossing a line, as as far as I was considered, it was a line that you couldn't cross again. Once you crossed it, you were stuck there forever. 

Beverly was a traitor, and I was finding it hard to put up with her around everyone. I wanted to tell them, but I feel like either they wouldn't believe me, or they would be mad. Plus, what if Beverly had already warned them that I would tell? There was no way they would believe me over her.

"Attention, passengers. We'll be landing in ten minutes, please prepare for landing. Shut down all electronics, and put your trays back up." The flight attendant instructed. 

I turned my ipod off and pulled out my compact to check my reflection. I didn't think I looked pretty at all, but at least my makeup wasn't ruined, and I didn't have too much on. Would Greyson think I was pretty? No, he had Leighton. 

Why was I still so hung up on this? This had happened ages ago, and I'd managed to somewhat forget about it, or at least block it out- until this morning. Greyson had really hurt me, and talking to Ella about it had really helped- or so I thought. Now it was all coming back, and I felt like I would cry. I   hadn't even seen Greyson yet, and I was sure I would be sick.

Mackenzie stirred from beside me. "Are we almost there yet?" She yawned, stretching her arms out. 

I nodded, looking straight ahead of me. "We'll be there in a few minutes. Look, we're already going down." Going down to the ground where Greyson was waiting for us. 

Mackenzie touched my arm lightly, seeming to guess what I was thinking about. "Hey, Soph, don't worry about it, nothing bad will happen. Look, if he tries to say anything, I'll cut him off, alright? I just want both of us to have fun this week, and forget about school."

I was surprised Mackenzie wasn't having a mental breakdown. I know I wouldn't be like this if I'd been there when someone I knew was murdered. Just thinking about it made my blood run cold. "Mackenzie, I don't think school is going to be open next week, after what happened with Angela." 

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