The Game- Chapter 13

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While I had my computer taken away, I wrote this chapter in my journal, except its over 40 pages long. So I'm trying to split this up into several chapters, and that's why it might seem a little... I dunno... weird? This chapter's sort of a filler one... and I'm not happy with it, but I know I haven't posted in FOREVER so I'll go back and fix it later, when the story is done.

Anyway, I'm just randomly babbling, don't mind me.



Sophie's POV

I didn't see Paige at school the next day. What I did see was Heath's election posters. They literally covered every inch of the school walls. Some of them were even taped to classroom doors, and Heath had even put a few on the ceiling, which was ridiculous. 

Mackenzie and I had been walking down the halls to homeroom when we noticed them. She clenched her teeth and glared at the posters. 

"Stupid Heath." She hissed. "Nobody would vote for him if someone else was running. He's too egotistical and arrogant to be a good student body president. They need someone talented, smart, beautiful, funny, and someone who listens to people. I would be perfect for the job."  

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, because you always think of everyone but yourself." My voice was dripping with sarcasm. 

"What's that?" She asked me. "I think I detect a little sarcasm there."

"Well, can you blame me? You're the most selfish person I've met." I shrugged. 

She stuck her tongue out at me, and I suddenly thought of a toad trying to catch a fly with it's tongue. Then I burst out laughing, and Mackenzie looked at me weirdly. 

"Soph, you okay?" She asked me. 

"You just looked so much like a toad there, it was funny." I said, laughing even harder at her expression after I said that. 

"I did not look like a toad." She said crossly. "You're just jealous of my natural beauty." She flipped her hair. 

"Trust me, you looked like a toad." I laughed. "So, you're running for president?"

Mackenzie nodded. "Yeah. To prove to Heath that he's not winning because of his good looks."

"Oh, so you admit he's good looking?" I chuckled as she flushed redder than a tomato.

"No! That's what he said, it's not true- I mean of course not- Aubrey's stupid for dating him, he's uglier than a slug." Mackenzie said nervously. 

"Oh, you so think he's cute!" I said triumphantly. 

She huffed. "Fine, he's a little cute. But don't you dare tell that stupid jerk. His ego would only get bigger. And mostly don't tell Aubrey. I don't want to hurt her, she's so sweet. And you know I would never do anything, Heath is totally hers."

"Yeah, fine, I won't tell him." I bit my lip, mad at myself. 

Why did I just tell her that? This is the perfect opportunity to get her back for Drake! But no, I just had to be the good person and promise that I wouldn't tell! Stupid Sophie! Now I have to think of some other way to get her back!

We arrived in homeroom, where Beverly and Paige were nowhere to be seen. I pulled out my Biology homework, hoping to finish it by the end of the period. 


Heath approached me at lunch today, cutting in front of me in the lunchline. "Hey Sophie." He smiled at me. 

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