The Game- Chapter 12

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Alright, I know it's been like FOREVER since I last updated this story, but I've hit a block with it. So, for now, this is just going to be another murder scene :D Until I get my inspiration back. So, read and comment, maybe vote/add to library/like/tweet/fan??? 



"Put that away!" I hissed to my partner. 

"Sorry, but you know how I feel about grooming." My partner replied, stashing the brush away in the car. "Now, where are we going?"

"I've found someone else." I said simply. 

"Oh." My partner grinned evilly. "Who is it?"

"It's Valerie Jones. You know, the one who owns the jewelry shop on Main Street." I told my partner, focusing on the road. 

We came to an intersection, and I slammed my foot down on the brakes, wincing as I almost hit the car in front of me. I sighed, and drummed my fingers on the wheel impatiently.

"Patience." My partner reminded me. "Now, what's our weapon?"

I reached into the back seat, and grabbed our duffel bag. I unzipped it and pulled out hedgeclippers. "Wanna use these?"

My partner shook their head. "Nah, too bloody for me. If I get blood on this, my parents will notice."

"Alright, suit yourself." I said, taking the hedgeclippers. "Choose your weapon."

My partner took a long time to decide, but eventually grabbed the gun. I grabbed it from my partner, shaking my head. "Too noisy."

My partner rolled their eyes. "Fine, I'll take the rope."

The person in the car behind us honked the horn, and I realized the light had turned green. My partner rolled down the window, and gave them the finger through the window. 

I rolled my eyes. "How mature."

My partner smiled. "Just drive. I need to be home soon, before my parents notice that I'm gone."

I turned left and my partner and I sat in silence as I drove down the road. My partner reached forward and turned on the radio. 

A country song I didn't recognize was playing so I quickly turned it off. My partner turned it back on and switched to a new station. 

"Turn it off!" I hissed. "We're here."

My partner switched the radio off, and we quietly climbed out of the car. Holding our weapons, we crept across the street. It was dark, so we most likely wouldn't be seen, but you could never be too careful. 

I almost had a heart attack as we opened the door. It was one of those doors where the bell rings when you walk in, and those things were loud.

I felt a wave of terror when I heard footsteps. This would ruin our plan of her disturbing, sick death if she discovered us. My partner ducked down, while I found the register and hid behind it. 

"Is someone here?" I heard Valerie ask, walking around the room. 

My breaths were shallow. Snap out of it. Why are you so scared? Valerie is just an average person. It's not like she'll kill me, I'm too good of an assassin to be killed by someone like her. 

I could see my partner across the room, motioning for me to sneak up on her. I shook my head. The timing needed to be perfect, or else it would be ruined. 

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