The Game- Chapter 8

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Mackenzie's POV

I walked into the locker room after gym class. I shut the door, and went to find my locker, somehow managing to get through all the other girls there. The room smelled like sweat, dirty clothes, and perfume. What a weird mix. I squinted as the light from the open window got into my eyes, and warmed my face.

Then I saw them. Sophie and the Bees. They all had lockers next to each other.

I'll bet they bullied kids into switching lockers with them.

When I made it to my locker, I saw Susie and Beverly leave the room with Sophie. Then almost everyone else left. I looked in the mirros on the wall and saw that Nadia and Paige were the only two in here besides me. They were talking quietly, and seemed unaware of me.

So naturally, I decided to eavesdrop.

"Look, I don't know if it's going to work... Sophie's a smart girl." Nadia said.

Paige smiled. "Babe, trust me on this. Sophie will never know."

Her voice sounded familiar, even though I had never heard her talk before.


I watched as Paige pulled a bag from her locker. Drugs? There were several different colored pills inside, and they didn't look like they were prescribed by a doctor.

"...Just make sure they don't find out, okay?" Nadia said to Paige.

"Let's go to class, before somebody sees us. They would get the wrong idea." Nadia said.

Paige smirked. "Yeah. We wouldn't want the school thinking you're a drug dealer..."

Nadia smacked her on the arm playfully. "Hush. Anyone could be listening. Besides, we wouldn't want them to hear us talking about you."

Paige glanced at the mirrors and saw me. Her mouth formed an 'o'. Then she took Nadia's arm in hers, and they strutted out of the locker room.

I changed back into my normal clothes, and went to my next class, English.


English bored me today. When are any of us every going to need to write a haiku?

"Miss Hamilton? I finished my diary entry for the assingment." Susie raised her hand.

Miss Hamiltion nodded at her. "Alright, come up here and read it to the class."

Susie stood up, and walked to the front of the room slowly, everyone waiting on her. When she finally got there, she cleared her throat, and began to speak.

"Dear Diary," She said loud and clear. "I'm so upset that we had to move to a new school. Sophie and I don't know anyone here."

The class laughed, and I sat there, jaw open. It was painfully obvious that the diary entry was taken from my diary. I couldn't believe she'd done it!

But I really couldn't believe how she'd found it.

"There's this really cute boy in my english class, Scottie. I really really like him, but I could never tell him! Because he's dating Sarah Coleman, and she's so much prettier than me. I really wish Scottie would notice me, but who would notice me, compared to Susie, who sits next to me." Susie said, smirking at me.

I sank lower in my seat, on the verge of tears. I could feel Scottie staring at the back of my head, but I was to embarrassed to meet his eyes.

"I can't believe that Sophie got into the Bees, when I didn't! Why would anyone pick my drab, younger sister over me? Sophie is not the type of person Nadia needs for a friend. Sophie is the one who tells you to do your homework, but I'm the one who likes to party! God, I just can't believe that happened to me!" Susie read.

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