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"Damn you scared me!" Sam hold her chest.

Ty just smiled down at her.

"My bad ma. Why you outside?" Ty sat next to her.

"Just getting fresh air." Sam replied.

Ty nodded his head.

"You mad cute man." Ty said.

Sam blushed.

"So you single?" Ty asked her.

Sam thought of Jay. They haven't talk in two weeks.

"Yes I am." Sam said then she felt guilty for saying that.

"Cool. So can I take you out?"

Just before Sam could say anything, KD came outside.

"Wassup nigga." KD greeted Ty.

"Nothing chilling. Just trying to take your auntie out." Ty smiled.

"Oh good luck with that." KD said. "Let's talk though."

Ty followed KD to his car.

Sam had time to think. She miss Jay more then anything, but she will not go back. She refuse to be treated that way. She haven't do anything to him. She actually felt better, but sad too.

"Stop thinking so hard. Then you frowning. Girl stop." Ty popped up and said.

"Why you bothering me?" Sam asked him.

"You been hurt and I want to help you, heal you, put a smile on your pretty face." Ty said.

"I'm fine. Thanks for caring."

"Whoever he is. He's a fool." Ty said then walked back to his car.

Sam just stared after his car.





Jay closed his eyes and drink from his liquor bottle.

"So you still don't have my money?" Jay asked the nigga he shot in the leg, arm and shoulder.

"No man, I told you I'll have it tomorrow." Dude cry.

"Pause. Tomorrow? Say night night nigga." Jay smiled at dude.

"Say it!!" Jay yelled.

Dude just cried.


Jay sent a bullet through dude head.

This is what Jay been doing for the past two weeks, killing people. He have killed five people so far.

"Nigga you need help." Keenan walked in the warehouse.

"Fuck help. I'm good." Jay said then laugh.

Keenan just walked away from him. This wouldn't be the first time Jay acted like this.

Jay shot the gun again.

Keenan came back in room.

"Nigga calm your ass down! What the fuck your problem!" Keenan mugged him.

"Fuck you Keenan. Just because you have it good, don't mean shit. You still going to be that bipolar muthafucka." Jay said.

Keenan smiled, then pulled out his gun. He fired it one time, shooting Jay in the shoulder.

"You right. And guess what, if I wasn't taking my pills your ass would be dead right now, so don't fucking test me, I had it with your ass, you bitching because my aunt left your ass and it's your fucking fault. Stupid ass." Keenan said then walked out.

Jay know he push Keenan. He glad Keenan took his medicine.

He needed to make things right with Sam. He can't take this pain no more he feeling. This won't be easy, considering the fact that Sam indeed change her number and she stop calling him.

How do he get his girl back? He hope it's not to late. It would literally kill him. He needed to clean his wound.


"I know you miss him." Kasey said to Sam.

"Yes I miss him, but I can't go back. I don't want to seem like a dummy. He did this his self. Not me." Sam said.

"Look how Keenan did Angel." Kasey said.

"I'm not Angel, I'm Sam. Angel was God sent for Keenan. Keenan is a change man. My situation and Keenan situation is totally different."

"I'm just saying. Everyone deserve a second chance. Plus you  won't even give Ty sexy ass no play, and his ass feeling you." Kasey said then yawn.

"That baby got you tired."

"Yes he kicking my ass. I can't believe I am about to be a mom." Kasey smiled.

"Right considering the fact you didn't like dudes."

Kasey laugh.

"I love dick now. Girl!!!!!" Kasey smiled.

Sam just laugh at Kasey.

"After this last week is over with I'm going to need some dick." Sam said.

"Better get a dildo." Kasey busted out laughing.

"You not funny." Sam join in with Kasey laughing.


This the last book of the series!

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