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Jay and Sam made it to the comedy house. Jay didn't know who was in the house today night, but he hope they was funny. He hope Kevin Hart or Kountry Wayne. Now that nigga been funny.

Sam looked over at Jay, can't believe he got her tickets to the comedy house.

Sam also have a bad feeling, like she is being watched. She hope not, she don't feel like killing a nigga tonight, of all nights. She just want to chill with Jay and have a nice time, without someone ruining it.

"You ready to go in?" Jay asked her.

Sam nodded her head.

When they got in the comedy house, Jay ordered a beer for him and a iced tea for Sam.

"I don't see how you can drink that nasty beer." Sam frowned up her face.

"Easy. See." Jay took a sip of his beer.

Sam rolled her eyes.

"Just nasty. With your smart ass mouth ." She smiled.

"You love my smart ass mouth though." Jay smiled back.

Sam just nodded her head. She do love Jay, they need to have a long talk if they was going to move forward. She can't see that forever with him no more, she wish she did.

"Man Sam how can I make this right? I see that you are distant from me." Jay grabbed Sam hands in his.

Sam just stared at him.

"I want to make this right with you. I really do. Can we talk about us over dinner?" Sam asked him.

"Yeah sure. You want anything else to drink with liquor in it?"

"Uhh no after what happen to Cory, hell no."

Jay laughed at her. He can understand her about that. Especially since what happen to Cory. Tammy really did him wrong.

"I can understand that bae."

"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the stage Kountry Wayne." The host of the show said.

Kountry Wayne came stage and did his thing.

Sam and Jay really enjoyed theirselves.

After they left the comedy house, they went across the street to Longhorn steakhouse.

"Hello, How many?" The greeter asked them.

"2." Sam said.

"Follow me please." The greeter said while grabbing two menus.

Sam and Jay followed behind the lady. She stopped in front of a booth, Sam and Jay slide in and sat down.

"Your waiter will be with you in a minute." The greeter said and walked away.

Sam and Jay thank her and walked away.

"I see you nothing like your family." Jay said.

Wait! What? Pause! What the hell he meant by that?

"Nahh not like that." Jay laughed.

"Then what you mean?" Sam folded her arms.

"I meant like they wouldn't have thank the person. They would have been loud as hell."

"My family is loud period. Especially Sky and Cory. Well and Lil C. Them three are the worst." Sam smiled.

"Yeah they hell. They always talking shit to each other. Why?" Jay wanted to know.

"Tell you the truth. I don't even know. That's just how they are." Sam said.

"Hello my name is Samantha and I'll be your waitress for tonight, what can I start you off with to drink?"

"Damn she got the same name as you. Well I'll like a strawberry lemonade and she will have the lemon iced tea." Jay ordered the drinks for both of them.

"How you know I wanted that?" Sam asked Jay with a smirked.

"Because I know you." Jay smiled.

They waitress came back with the drinks.

"Are you guys ready to order?" Samantha the waitress asked them.

"Yes I want the T-bone steak with shrimps and broccoli." Jay said.

"And I will like the same thing he got, except for the broccoli I want fries." Sam said.

Samantha the waitress nodded her head collected the menus and left them alone.

"So are you going to give me another chance? Are you and Ty dude serious with each other?" Jay asked her.

"No we not serious with each other. I don't even talk to that boy like that."

"Then why can't I get another chance?" Jay asked her.

"It's not that I don't want to give you another chance. You just hurt me, you cheated on me, not once, nor twice by multiple time. Then I lost my baby, thinking you would be caring about it, you wasn't. You wanted to break up because I wouldn't give you sex, knowing I had to heal. Jay you hurt me, I don't know how to go from there." Sam said.

"I'm doing so good. I haven't had any suicide thoughts. I'm actually doing great. So what if I take you back and you hurt me again, then what? I'm tired doing the back and forth with you. I want forever." Sam said.

Jay didn't know what to say. He didn't know he cause her that much pain.

"Listen Sam, I won't  hurt you again. I love you so much. I'm ready to grow up and be that man in your life. I don't want to lose you again. And I'm so sorry, I know i should have never hurt you like that. I was only thinking about myself, and not you. Baby please forgive me." Jay said.

"Let's just keep doing what we doing now, and see how it goes." Sam said.

Yes she did love him, and would love to get back with him, but she can't let him know that. He would think he can do the same shit again. So she will wait, and see how it goes.

"I can understand that. You going back to my house?" Jay asked her.

"Yes, I am, but I'm sleeping in the guest room." Sam said.

Jay suck his teeth.

"Aww man. Well is you going to cook me breakfast how we use to do?" Jay asked her.

"I guess I can do that." Sam said and laughed with Jay pumped his fisted in the air and said "yes."

They food came and they ate, talk, and laughed on the good times they had in the past.

Awww I honestly thought, Jay been going to get a second chance. Well not yet.

I don't blame Sam at all though.

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