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Sam was getting ready to go to her sister house. She haven't heard back from Jay since he came to Lil C house. She didn't know how to feel about that.

As for Ty. He hit her up on a regular. He was a sweet guy, but he wasn't Jay, and that's who she wanted.

Then when she thought about it, Jay don't know her new number.

"Auntie?" Cory called her.

He still was the only one that call her that.

"What that?" Sam called back putting on eye liner.

"You want to smoke this blunt with me?"

"Hell yeah." Sam said. She finish getting ready and meet Cory in the basement.

Another one of Lil C hideouts, to get away from Nae when she be on her bullshit.

"Damn I haven't had a blunt in so long." Sam said.

"I just got one question." Cory asked her lightening up the blunt.

"What that?"

"You not on any medication any?"

"Really Core?" Sam looked offended.

"Well I had to ask. You be on some other shit." Cory said passing Sam the blunt.

"That was in the past, this is the present. So I'm moving on to bigger and better things. With or without Jay."

Cory looked at Sam like he didn't believe her.

"Girl shut your ass up. Your ass stuck on Jay. If you wasn't, you would have been got with that Ty dude." Cory said taking the blunt from Sam.

"I know you not talking. You stuck on Tammy."

Cory looked around and Like Sam was talking another language.

"Tam who? Girl please, I talk to Amber now."

Sam jumped up.

"I know not! Hell no! Ewwww Core. That's a hoe!" Sam grabbed the blunt out Cory mouth.

Cory looked at her like she was crazy.

"No she not. She loves me and I love her. She changed. She only talk to me. She coming to the dinner tonight." Cory was serious too.

Sam busted out laughing.

"Yeah right." She kept laughing, then stop when she saw how serious Cory was.

"Oh you serious?"

Cory nodded his head.

"Damn." Sam pass the blunt back to Cory.

"Oh shit Uncle Ken birthday today too. These niggas old."

"Oh damn I forgot his birthday." Sam said getting the blunt back from Cory.

"We about to fuck some food up tonight." Cory said

Sam nodded her head in agreement.

It's going to be hell without Grandma and grandpa, and Miss Kayla."

Sam just started laughing.

"Fuck them. They can rot in hell." Sam said.

Cory forgot about what his grandparents did to Sam.

"I still can't believe Miss Kayla left like that though." Sam shook her head.

"Man that lady did the right thing. She have a life too." Cory said pulling out a liquor bottle.


Cory jumped.

"What happen?" Cory jumped up in a fighting stand.

"Why do you have a liquor bottle?" Sam glared at Cory.

"Girl I am about to turn up. If you don't know you better ask about me." Cory open the liquor bottle and took a long gulp, without bending up his face from the strong taste of it.

"You addicted." Sam shook her head.

"No I am not."

"Prove it, give me the bottle." Sam hold her hand out.

"Hell nah, get your own this mine." Cory took another swallow of the liquor.

Sam just shook her head. She would bring this to Lil C attention. But not tonight. Cory drink to much. It could affect his health and he don't seem to care.

"Cory you an alcoholic."

"Well it's me and no one else, it's my body. Let me enjoy it while I can." Cory said sadly.

"Huh what you mean by let you enjoy it while you can?" Sam asked Cory.

"Leave it alone Sam damn. We all got problems right? Just leave me and my problems to myself." Cory said then walk back up the stairs.

Sam heard Cory yelled "Turn Up!" When he got to the top of the stairs.

Something is definitely up with him. And Sam will get to the bottom of it if it's the last thing she do.

Sam walked back upstairs.

"Cory sit your ass down!" Lil C yelled at Cory who was saying Turn up.

"Man nigga just because you getting old, don't mean I am." Cory said dancing to no music.

Sam shook her head.

"Nigga I'm barely 50 you better shut the fuck up." Lil C said taking the liquor bottle from Cory who wasted.

"Give it back pops. Seriously." Cory had a serious look on his face.

"Or what?" Lil C asked Cory.

"Mama!" Cory yelled.

Naenae came in with both Cy and Asia on her hip.

"What Cory?" She said.

"Dad won't give me my liquor bottle." Cory said almost about to cry. The liquor was getting to him.

Lil C throw the bottle in the trash, while Naenae walked back in her room.

"Fuck both of y'all!" Cory yelled.

Sam covered her hand with her mouth.

Lil C paused and look at Cory, while Naenae walked back out her room.

"You want to repeat that?" Lil C asked Cory taking off his belt.

Cory just looked at his father and smirked.

"Fuck you." Cory said.

Sam knew it wasn't Cory talking.

"Cory stop!" Sam yelled.

Lil C was walking toward Cory with his belt in his belt in his hand.

"Lil C stop. He don't know what he saying. He drunk." Sam stood in front of Cory.

Lil C just picked Sam up and move her out his way.

"Come here Nae." Lil C said after he jacked Cory up.

Lil C gave Nae the belt and Nae torn Cory ass up.

"Disrespect us again, lil nigga. More damage will be done." Lil C said not before punching Cory in his face.

damn Cory!

Birthday Dinner next

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