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Cory book Love && War: The final is Here in Media

Jay can I use your car to go get me some pads?" Sam called out.

Her period suppose to be coming on and she wanted to be prepared. It has been a little over four weeks since her and Jay first had sex. Now it's like they been doing it non stop.

"Eww okay, you didn't had to let me know that." Jay said.

Sam laughed .

"Shut the hell up." Sam said did walked outside.

Sam got Jay car and ride down to Walmart. She looked in her rear view mirror. Why the hell it look like she saw  Ty car following her. Every turn she took it took. She looked closer and it was Ty. She wanted to stop us car and asked him what the hell was his problem.

So that is exactly what she did. Call her crazy  all you want, but that nigga had her fuck up.

Sam pulled over on the side of road, Ty did the same thing. Sam got out her car, not before grabbing her razor out her purse and put in in her mouth, making sure it don't cut her gums.

"Is there a problem? Why are you following me?" Sam asked Ty as he walked up to her.

Ty just stared at her.

"Why you stop hitting me up and stop answering my calls. After four weeks, I finally got you alone ." Ty said with a smile.

Sam looked at this nigga like he was crazy. Sam knew she felt like someone was watching her. This stupid muthafucka.

"Oh so you think you can just follow me around and shit right? Nigga I don't want you." Sam said then smirked at him.

If he think he crazy, he haven't seen crazy until he met her, and he about to see how just how crazy she is.

"Bitch you want me. I want you. You going to be my wife, rather you like it or not." Ty walked closer to Sam, Sam just stood her ground. She hope this nigga not about to try to attack her. He better know what the fuck he doing.

"Nigga you must be crazy in your head if you think I'm about to marry you." Sam said. She folded her arms.

Why was she even entertaining this nigga?

"Bye Ty with your crazy ass." Sam said turning around to get back in the car.

Ty grabbed her, Sam feel around for her razor, spit it out and grab it with her other hand and slice Ty face. She hurried and got in her car.

She didn't even looked in her rear view mirror. She glad her phone automatically hook up to Jay's Bluetooth.

"Call C." She called out as she looked in the rear view mirror.

"Calling C."

Lil C- What Sam?

Sam- Ty! Ty after me!

Lil C- where are you?

Sam- The highway. On a high speed chase. And not from the police.

Sam looked in her rear view mirror. Ty car was mowing closer up on her.

Lil C- What the fuck was that?

Sam- he hit the back of the car.

Lil C- Sam which high way you on?

Sam- I -95.

Lil C- Damn you far. Ight man, I'm on the way.

Sam looked her rear view mirror again and saw Ty driving faster on her bumper not before hitting her the car again.

"Shit." Sam said as she lost control of the car and it hit another car.

She felt weak from that hit.

She felt herself being remove from the car. She couldn't do anything.

Jay wonder where the hell was Sam. It's been going on three hours and her ass not back yet.

He called her phone and it keep going to voice mail.

He was beginning to worry. So he called Lil C.

He not picking up either. Yo what the fuck.

Jay put on some clothes and made his way out outside. He jumped in his truck. He don't know where he was going, but he was going somewhere. His phone started to ring.

Jay- Yo?

Person- Yo i got your bitch.

Jay- who the fuck is this?

Person- don't worry about it. I'm just calling to let you know, She's with me, and she's fine.

Jay- I swear If I find out who you are, I'm going to kill you with my bare hands.

Person- word.

Jay didn't know what to do. It was his fault, he should of went with her. If something happen to Sam it would be his fault.

Damn poor Sam.

Are you guys ready for Cory book? I know I am.

Two - Three chaps left of this book

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