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Sam laid beside Cory hospital bed with her eyes close, she was tired. She never gotten any sleep since everything went down. She wanted to be awake when Cory wake up. Jay was knocked out sleep on the pull out chair.

Amber stayed with her too, Sam realize how cool Amber really was. They had a long talk. She could tell Amber has really change. How that happen, she had no idea, but she guess it was a good thing. Since she dating her nephew.

Cory started mumbling in his sleep and moving around.

Sam eyes snapped open. And focus on Cory who had his eyes open and yawn.

"God lawd, close your mouth." Sam laughed and covered her nose. Cory smirked.

"You wake!" Sam yelled.

"God damn auntie, I'm right here." Cory said.

"How you feeling?" Sam asked him. Amber and Jay was still sleep.

"Hungry as hell man, i don't want this shit in the hospital either. I want food, not dog food." Cory yawn again.

"Damn you still tired? After being sleep over a week?" Sam asked him.

"Hell yeah man. Man I need a blunt and something to drink." Cory said.

Sam got mad instantly this nigga just got out a coma and he talking about something to drink! Sam don't know what came over her, but she slap the hell out of Cory.

"Girl what the hell!" He yelled.

Jay and Amber woke up.

"Ooh babe you wake." Amber walked over to Cory and kissed him.

"Yeah baby as you can see, I am awake." Cory said in a "duh" voice.

Amber gave him a stank face before rolling her eyes.

"Glad to see you wake man." Jay said.

Cory nodded.

Sam was still livid at Cory. His ass talking about drinking! Drinking! When he just waking up.

She took her cell phone out.

Person- what Sam?

Sam- Dumb ass wake.

Person- why he a dumbass?

Sam- he talking about he want a blunt and a drink.

Person- about to come kick his ass.

The person hang up on Sam.

"I know your bubble gum Apple ass head did not call my dad and tell him my business." Cory glared at Sam.

"Yes I did, burnt cookie. You playing with your damn health, with all that drinking. Your ass was in a coma for alcohol poisoning. Stupid ass." Sam snapped.

"Man it been hot as hell in auntie Sky house." Cory said.

"So fucking stupid, I'm out." Sam said then walked out the hospital room.

Jay followed her out. Sam give up. You can't save the world. She can only save her self, and that what she going to do.

"Let's go get something to eat." Jay said grabbing her hand and they made their way out the hospital.

They pass Lil C on the way, he had a belt in his hand. Cory about get his ass beat in the hospital.

Sam didn't want to miss that. So she told Jay to follow Lil C back to Cory room.

Amber was laying on the bed with Cory as Cory rub her stomach and was whispering in her ear. Lil C walked over and pull Amber out the bed.

"What you said you want again?" Lil C asked Cory.

Cory never the one to disrespect his parents, didn't say anything.

"I asked you a question!" Lil C yelled.

"Man I didn't say nothing." Cory huffed.

"Cory don't make me choke with this damn belt. If I catch you with any cup or liquor bottle in your hand, say bye bye to that hand. Don't try me. Im tired seeing this damn place." Lil C paced the floor.

Sam just stood next to Jay. He haven't left her side yet. Only to go home and take a shower and bring her something to eat.

"Man why can't I live my life how I want too?"

Lil C stopped pacing and looked at Cory.

"Oh you want to live your life how you want? Huh? Okay find you some place to stay, fuck it. You want to ruin your self behind a liquor bottle you do it, but not under my roof." Lil C said and walked out.

Sam walked out with Jay behind her.

"Lil C you can't kick him out." Sam said trying to keep up with Lil C.

"Watch me." Lil C said.

"Nae nor Sky will go for that." Sam said.

"Do Sky or Nae pay bills in my house? Hell no! So I can do what I want. You can follow him if you want." Lil C said walking to his car.

Damn how things go from bad to worst, in a short amount of time.

Cory woke up asking for a drink! Tf!

Amber stayed by his side.

Lil C kicked Cory out or nah🙈🙊🙉

He gave Sam the boot too😂😂😂😂 Lil C hell

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