Lets make everything simple

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Taylor's POV

I entered back stage, took all my wires out and locked myself in the dressing room, it had been a great show, the crow was wild and loud, every dance and every song had been perfect but there was one thing only one thing that had ruined my night, I was trying really hard to not break down, I was feeling sick, I thought that I was getting the flu but to top it all, I was trying with all I had to stop my feelings, but the days apart from Ed and the looks he gave me during our performance together were now too much.

A knock on my door brought me out of myself, I stood up from the floor, tears streaming down my cheeks " coming" I whipped them, opened the door expecting to be my mom " just give one minute and we will get going to the RED club" walked to the mirror again a tried to arrange the black mascara running down my cheeks " Tay, why are you crying?" The voice made me really look, it wasn't my mom, it was Ed looking back at me through the mirror " it's nothing really" He placed a hand on my shoulder " it is something , if it weren't you wouldn't be crying" I gave him a weak smile " I'm ok really" Ed decided to drop it " hug?" Ed opened his arms and I without hesitation wrapped my arms around him, I tried to control my tears but couldn't " don't cry love, don't cry" there was that nickname again, I loved it " I know you have to go now, but I will wait for you in your bus to talk, ok? Please don't cry" I broke the hug and whipped my tears " ok, thank you"

I went back to my tour bus to find Ed seating on my living room " you feeling better?" I nod and sat by his side " you wanna tell me who do I have to punch?" the next thing that I said slipped out of my mouth " you might have to punch yourself then " Ed looked at me confused " why? am I making you cry?" I placed a hand over my mouth " oh my god, I said that out loud didn't I?" Ed nod " do you want to tell me, I mean, the last thing I want to do is make you cry, you are far too pretty and sweet to be crying because someone like me" I rested my head on Ed's shoulder " I just wish that it could all be simple you know" He kissed the side of my head " then lets make everything simple " we both stayed quiet for a while " if I tell you a secret, you'll tell me what has you like this?" I nod " you could try" Ed looked down at me, staying silent, thinking for a while " You know, I really like this girl, she is so pretty and sweet, but I somehow managed to get her crying, I don't like her crying even though she still looks beautiful" Ed heard me sobbing again " why are you crying now?" I looked at him " don't you see! We can't date, I really like you too but it's killing me not being able to be with you. You know what people say about me, I can't date you because if everything ends up wrong I will lose you and I don't want to, I can't lose you, I care too much, it's just complicated" Ed placed both hands at the side of my head " I care too much about you too but if we don't take chances we will always wonder what could of been, I don't care what people say about you because we both know it isn't true" Ed whipped my tears and said " lets make everything simple" and kissed me

But before all of this happened we have to go back 4 months, to where everything began.

Making up for lost time ( taylor swift and Ed sheeran)Where stories live. Discover now