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Taylor's POV

Since my mom made the comment about Ed, I have been trying my best to pay attention about how I behave around him, I really like him but I also value our friendship so much, I don't want to lose him and the only way of not loosing him is not dating him, I hope that my mom is wrong , that for the sake of our friendship my feelings are not reciprocated by Ed.

We are having a two day break this week, I will be able to fly to Nashville and for some weird reason I asked Ed to come with me, I just want to have him around, he makes everything more comfortable.

Ed's POV

I'm looking forward spending the next two days with Taylor, I feel like maybe I will be able to tell Taylor about my feelings, I don't think I can hold them in for a longer time. I wake up around six o'clock because the phone rang " hi Ed!!" I really don't understand how she is all happy and awake at this hour " hello love, why calling so early?" I hear Taylor laugh at the other side on the line " sorry to wake you up sleepy head but I got a call from the airport saying that we should be taking off at 8 so we gotta get to the airport in half and hour" I get out of bed and half and hour later I was waiting for Taylor to show up on the lobby of the hotel, the doors of the elevator open and there she is looking so relax " hey Ed, ready to spend three days with your favorite person in the world?" I smile and do as I am about to hug her but instead take Meredith out of her arms " yes, it will be a lovely three days with Maredith" Taylor makes a face of mock horror " I meant me" she pouts and all I want to do is kiss those lips " you too love, you too" I have to settle for a kiss on her cheek instead.

I wake up to find my head on top of Taylor's, I look down at her, I just want to taste those lips so badly, they look so soft, I keep looking down deciding on whether or not I should kiss her, we are alone, Andrea left earlier to Nashville, she is not going to find out, is just a harmless peck on the lips I keep saying to myself and lean in to kiss her

Taylor' POV

I feel something warm on my mouth, something like someone kissing me, in my dreams the person kissing me is Ed, I want to tangle my hands in his ginger hair, I feel myself responding to the kiss, kissing back lightly, I open my eyes to find Ed's face on mine, I quickly close my eyes again and murmur sleepily " Ed?" I move a little and cuddle up a little bit more onto him, I feel his lips on mine once again and hear him sigh and say " If you were awake... I would be still kissing you"

I rack my brain the rest of the airplane trip to Nashville on whether or not I should tell Ed about the kiss, about how I feel, about everything, I don't want to ruin our friendship, I don't want to lose him, but at least I got to tell him why.

When we arrive and the plane lands I see Ed ready to get out, I don't know if I should tell him right now, I decide against it and to wait until we arrive at my place, the whole way home Ed was talking about how much he likes Nashville, every once in a while he brushes my arm with his or accidentally touches my hand with his and I know he too feels the electricity running between us.

Ed's POV

We sat on the kitchen table each with a glass of wine in our hands and both of our guitars on our sides, suddenly Taylor turns serious and I think I saw it coming " Ed we gotta talk about what happened on the plane" I turn pale first and then the color of my hair

Taylor's POV

I think that Ed thought that I didn't feel it, his kiss, because the shade of red on his face right now was even darker than his hair " I'm sorry about that I...." I get up ,sit by his side and lay my head on his shoulder " please let me talk first" he shuts and looks down at me " I'm not mad at you, that was probably the sweetest and loving kiss I ever had" I see him smile and my voice breaks, I'm about to break his and my heart " but it can't happen again, I really wish it could but I don't want to lose you and the only way I can do that it's by keeping you as my friend" by now tears and streaming down my cheeks and I'm incapable of looking up and see his face " but.... Please give us a chance... I .... Love, you are not..." I get up and kiss the side of his head " I'm sorry Ed, it hurts me as much as it hurts you but I... I can't lose you" I go upstairs and close my door

Making up for lost time ( taylor swift and Ed sheeran)Where stories live. Discover now