Dinner and words

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Taylor's POV

I open the door and find Ed waiting on it and my dad walking towards him, Ed looks unusually pale " Ed do you feel ok?" He nods and I get out of my room to greet my dad whom I haven't seen in a while. We both go inside my room, Ed seems more nervous than ever " Ed come on! You've had dinner with us before" I seat by his side on my bed " everything is different now, you dad probably doesn't like me anymore now that we are dating" his British accent heavier when he is anxious " my dad probably will find out when we are already seating there eating that we are dating don't worry" I walk over to my suitcase and pull put two dresses " red or blue?" I ask him, Ed rolls his eyes, I know that he doesn't like fashion " blue?" I give him a cheeky smile " I thought so too".

We go out of my room fifteen minute earlier than the hour scheduled to meet my family down on the lobby, Ed is sweating which I find extremely cute, he tried to comb his hair for the dinner but it ended up looking really weird and now is back to a kind of half combed half messy. The elevator doors open and my brother Austin comes put of it, Ed immediately lets go of my hand and tenses, I walk up to meet Austin half way " hi Austin!"he hugs me " hey Tay!" as we are in the hug he whispers to my ear " should I be nice to Ed?" I squeeze him " you have to, the poor boy is sweating" he gets out of the hug and goes and greets Ed " hey man! What's new?".

Ed's POV

We are seating during dinner, Taylor and I are quiet while Andrea, Scott and Austin are talking about a recent trip they took to Paris, I feel Taylor grab my hand and smile at me, I whisper to her " you look lovely" she smiles and kisses my cheek. We are all eating when her dad says " I don't know you two guys liked each other" I feel Taylor and myself tense " Dad!" Taylor says and then laughs nervously, I don't know if I should say something or not. I feel Austin's eyes on me , I don't know if his protective side is kicking in right now but I decide to ignore it, I keep my hand on Taylor's and answer questions that her parents ask me.

We arrive at the hotel and Austin asks me to join him for a drink, Taylor gives me a worried look but I whisper to her " don't worry, I'll see you before I go to sleep". Austin is still serious, which is a funny look on him " why my sister?" he asks out of the blue, we have been seating for almost 10 minutes, I take a deep breath " what is not to like about Taylor?" he takes a gulp of his drink " do you realize that I actually really liked you ?" I laugh about this " I told Tay that you would hate me when you found out" he laughs " I don't hate you yet, but man this is my sister, I have seen her heartbroken so many times, I don't want that again" I nod, I have seen Taylor heartbroken once, after Harry she spent a week in her pjs eating ice cream watching depressing movies, she would cry now and then but Abigail, Taylor's best friend, had told me that it was nothing compared to Jake, I knew that I didn't want to put Taylor through something like that again "I have seen her heartbroken too Austin, I know that I will do anything to not put her through it again, I , at this moment, want to stay for as long as she wants me to, she is the one with the power to call it quits" Austin stays quiet and nod " I still like you" I laugh.

Taylor's POV

I hear a knock on my door, Ed is the one on the other side, I really want to know what did Austin tell him, I open the door and hug him " what did Austin want?" I look at him anxiously, searching for some sign if him chickening out " nothing, he was just having a word with me" I start to freak out, the last time he got a word with one of my boyfriends was with Jake and after that everything went downhill " I told him to not do this, now you probably want out of the relationship and I can't blame you because..." I feel Ed's lips on mines, I love this rude interruptions " I will tell you as I told Austin, you are the one that has the power to call it quits, I will stay as long as you want me to" he kisses me again,no find myself walking backwards until my legs hit the bed, I don't know if I should continue this, I mean, I'm not going to have sex tonight, it's just not the right time " baby, we are not having sext tonight " I say to him, he laughs soft,y " I wasn't expecting to have sex, that's also your call, but that doesn't mean I can't kiss you".

I wake up around two hours later, Ed and I fell asleep while watching tv, I get up to check the hour, it's like three a.m, there is one message from Austin, I roll my eyes, this must be something related to Ed, I look at my side, he is sleeping, his hair falling in his eyes, his face angel like, he is snoring a little bit, it's so cute, at this moment I realize that I love him, everything he is, everything he does, I keep staring at him for a while and kiss his cheek while whispering " I love you" I got to my phone and check Austin's text which says " you are ok to date Ed, I still like him"

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