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Ed's POV

It was the middle of the concert when It was time to sing everything has changed, I got on stage as the crowd went louder, I started to play my guitar for Taylor to sing, I looked over at her, she looked beautiful, her eyes sparkled, I think she noticed that I was staring at her because she looked over at me and smiled, I think my world just stopped, the crowd, the thousands of people looking at us right now, everything disappeared, it was just her, her eyes, her lips, everything she did and said, it was just perfect. By the time it was my turn to sing I just kept staring at her making her smile at me even more, I just wanted to drop everything and kiss her but I knew I couldn't, I was right now in a inevitable friend-zone.

Taylor's POV

As the song ended I went to give Ed our usual hug but this time he hugs me with both arms, we stayed like that for what felt like minutes, my head resting on his shoulder, his arms around me tight, I hear from the crowd " get married already" and Ed chuckled on my ear, he gave me a kiss on my temple and whispered " I'll see you later beautiful" I blushed and looked down.

When the concert finished I entered my dressing room to find my mom seating on the sofa waiting for me " you did great honey!" She kissed my forehead and sat again patting the spot next to her " come sit, I want to talk to you about something" I took out all the wires and laid on the sofa with my head resting on her lap " what is it mom?" She smiled as she played with my hair " I want to talk to you about what happened on stage today" I looked at her clueless " what happened?" I was repeating the whole concert in my mind, I didn't fell, I didn't miss a song.... " about those looks and that hug with Ed" I turned a deep shade of red " which ones?" I tried to play it cool but my mom didn't miss anything " honey, it's obvious that he likes you a lot, I think that it's pretty obvious that you like him too" I looked away " I don't like him" my mom smiled " If you didn't like him you wouldn't be as red as you are right now" my mom kept playing with my hair " but I can't like him, I'm working with him" Mom smiled and kissed my forehead " honey it's ok to like him, and if anything were to happen is ok too, but you have to keep it as mature and stable as you can because in the moment that it doesn't work out you will have to still work together" I smiled at her " nothing is going to happen he doesn't like me that way anyway " my mom laughed " just look for a video of you two performing tonight and we will talk later"

Making up for lost time ( taylor swift and Ed sheeran)Where stories live. Discover now