Distance and hard work

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Making up for lost time (Distance and hard work)

Taylor’s POV

We have been apart three weeks now, it’s getting really hard for us, we Skype all the time and write long e-mails saying everything we did during that day, but sometimes I feel that we are drifting apart and it’s making me not enjoy our relationship. I try not to bring it up during our conversations but he knows that something is wrong and today he asked what was it, now after an hour long conversation I’m lying on my bed, tears streaming down my face, I hung up, he told me that it was best if we both thought about what we wanted and then talked again, he said that he was sure that our relationship would work, that our love was greater than the circumstances, finally before hanging up he said that I had the last word, that he loved me but he needed to be sure that I loved him and was willing on not giving up on us.

I spend the night thinking and crying and then thinking again, I knew that this would be hard, it was obvious, but for the first time I also realized that I have been in this situation before, that I have been through this conversation but no one ever told me that I had the last word, and it had never hurt so much, it was like all those times before, I expected that to happen, but this time around I didn’t, I wanted so many things with Ed, it’s like I had to make this work because behind my close eyelids I could picture everything I wanted in life and Ed was in everyone of them, I woke up the next day, with the intention of calling him, of telling him that I was willing to make everything work because he was everything I have ever wanted in a guy, but a look on my phone, specifically on my mail made my eyes watery again.

A mail from Paula, my publicist, asking if Ed and I were done and some pictures of Ed and a girl going out of a pub in London were the worst way of starting my day, I resend this to Ed with a note “what should I say to her?”

Ed’s POV

I’m eating lunch with my manager, when my phone beeps and a mail from Taylor pops on my screen, I smile, maybe she wants to talk about yesterday, I was thinking that maybe I could fly and see her for a week or so, the mail opens and I see her note and the message and pictures that Paula sent her “ Fuck” I mutter, the pictures are me, but they aren’t from this days, this pictures are at least six months old, and this was a girl that I went on a date before Taylor and I started to go out “ please call me so I can explain but tell Paula that no, please, this is not what it looks like”.

I send it to her and minutes later my phone lights up with a picture of Tay, she speaks first, I can see her puffy eyes and her mascara running down her face, it hurts me, I know that after our talk yesterday neither one of us had a good night of sleep, but with this photos, I know that she didn’t take it lightly “ I hope there is a good explanation Ed” I sigh, I know that this doesn’t look good “ there is love, please hear me out” Taylor whips her tears from her cheeks and sighs as I move into a private room in the restaurant “ Ok, talk Ed”.

I try to explain myself in the best way possible “this pictures are old love, they are at least six months old, someone found them and published them, but I swear that I didn’t go out yesterday to a pub, this girl is someone I went on a date with before we started going out” Taylor kind of smiles and I breath out “are you sure that there is nothing else?” I give her a small smile “ I’m sure, as I said, you are the one with the last word in this relationship, I don’t want to give you reasons to call it quits” she smiles, this time really big “ I thought about yesterday, I want to make this work, I know that we can make it through this but we both need to make an effort to try to see each other, so I decided to go see you next week in my tour break, I will be in Paris so it will be easier” Ed smiles, she wants to make things work, he was so worried about her doubts “ I will make sure to get next week off then, next time I’m the one who travels”

Making up for lost time ( taylor swift and Ed sheeran)Where stories live. Discover now