The begining of the end

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Ed's POV

I wake up with the biggest headache in the world, yesterday I went out with the guys, it was fun, we met some girls and everything. I feel bad though because I know that Taylor was on the other side of the world feeling alone and yet I was out partying.

I check my phone, fuck! Taylor called me three times yesterday, I feel like shit, I'm probably the worst boyfriend in the world right now, she must be worried though, I check the time, it's six a.m here, she isn't awake probably, I will try though, I mean, she must be sad, worried and really mad.

I ring her, and quickly she answers, her greet sarcastic " hello there, nice to know that you are still alive" I sigh, I knew she was going to be mad. I would of been mad too " hello, I'm really sorry I just got really drunk and I just passed out" I see that tears are in her eyes, I close my eyes but she then says something that brings my attention back " do you want me to give you a break? Take your time to think about us. I feel like maybe this isn't going anywhere" now her tears are freely falling down her cheeks, I feel like a complete ass. I move my computer and when I hear her question instantly regret it " why do you have red lipstick on your neck?" Everything goes down after that


2 month later

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing, it is really early but when my eye sight reads the name on the screen I get completely awake " hello" I say closing my eyes waiting to hear her voice, I have missed her voice so much this past months " hello Ed, do you have a minute?" I always have a minute for her " sure, I always have a minute" my heart is racing " could you open the door?"

I keep looking at the envelope she just gave me, I can't believe it, this is just so not real " do you have anything to tell me?" I look up to see her tearing up " I just don't know. I mean we are not together, how are we going to raise a kid?" Taylor wipes her tears and takes a deep breath " I'm really trusting you in this, I'm going to believe you and everything you said about the red lipstick. If you want we can just forget about this past two months and start again, because I really think I can't do this alone" I hug her really tight and kiss the top of her head " of course I want, you are going to be the best mum ever"


Only the epilogue left... I'm sorry it took so long I just started university and is a little bit crazy

Making up for lost time ( taylor swift and Ed sheeran)Where stories live. Discover now