Our last show

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Ed's POV

I played my part of the show and now I'm watching Taylor perform, I wait for my turn to sing with her, I'm mesmerize by the way she moves on stage and at the same time I'm turn on by those shorts that had been driving me crazy since the first days, those never ending legs.... I have to stop thinking that way if I want to make it through the night and god! It's going to be a long night, after the concert we have a goodbye party for me and part of the dancers that end their part of the tour too. Taylor asked me this morning to make this last night together unforgettable, that she had some plans but that I should too make something to remember. The lights of the stadium go off and Taylor goes off stage to change clothes, while people is redoing her hair and make up se motions me to come with her, inside her dressing room, I see her struggling with he red and black corset " do you want me to help you?" She gives me a desperate look " please! I don't know what's wrong with it" I get up and help her " I asked you to come over to my dressing room so I could ask you about our plans for tonight" I'm still struggling with the claps of the freaking corset " what about them love?" I finally open the dam claps " do you want to go out or do we stay in the hotel?" Sh is now changing her clothes giving me her back, she has freckles on her shoulder blades, I had not noticed that before, and the dimples at the end of her spine are soft looking " Ed?" She asks me and I notice that I zoned out " whatever you want love, if you are really tired we can stay in" she finally dressed herself and just before leaving the door she kisses me, this kiss is different, it's meant to keep you wanting for more, she notices this because she whispers in my ear " there is more of this waiting after the party" now, this is a side of Taylor that I have never seen, a facet of her I hadn't experienced, but now I feel bad, she thinks that for me me to have an unforgettable night means we have to have sex, that's not true, I mean it's true that I would love to feel her body on mine but I want her to feel that it's a way of expressing our love, but not the only way.

Taylor's POV

It's finally time to sing with Ed, he goes on stage and starts playing his guitar, as we sing he gives me looks, for the first time I see a little bit of sadness in his eyes, I make faces and he giggled a but but those giggles don't reach his eyes, by the end of the song he hugs me, this hug lasts a little bit more than usual, I whisper to his Eric everything is ok, he replies " yes, but I've got to talk to you, don't worry it isn't bad" he kisses my cheek and leaves the stage.

The rest of the concert I try to find Ed in the closest crowd, after finding his ginger hair I blow a kiss to him and he gives me thumbs up, which is odd, but then again this is Ed who we are talking about. I change after my performance and go to the stage in which the goodbye party while be held, Ed is nowhere to be seen which is starting to worry me. After and hour or so I find him on a corner, his eyes a bit red but I decide not to motion it " hey baby! I've been looking for you" I place my head on his shoulder, he kisses the top of my head " sorry, I was trying to get myself together" I look up at him, kiss his cheek " hey! No depressing Ed right now, that was for yesterday, tonight is about having a night to never forget" he lifts my chin and kisses me lightly " we have to talk about that, but not here, maybe somewhere private".

We go to my dressing room and seat on the sofa " ok, I'm getting worried. What is it that you so badly want to talk about?" I seat straight, my mind wondering so many things, what he says catches me out of guard " we are not making love tonight" ok, this is completely unexpected and embarrassing, at the same time something inside of me feels bad, rejected even, he notices the tears polling on my eyes, he tries to hug me but I move, I don't want Hinton touch me right now " love, let me explain myself, it's not like that" I give him a sarcastic laugh " so you are not rejecting me?" he sighs, I know that I was hard on him " love, believe me that I would love to make you mine right at this moment, but I think that you think that it's the only way to make my night unforgettable and that's just not true, I don't want you to feel forced" I sigh, he is still looking at me with worried eyes " is it possible for you to be more perfect?" he laughs and I hug him "I want to be with you but only when the time it's right" Ed says to my ear, I get out of his embrace " what if I tell you that it has never felt more right?" he gets up and whispers " then that's only up to you" he kisses me teasingly on the lips and goes over to the door " are you coming? I'm sure people are wondering where are we".

The rest of the night we spend teasing each other, pushing each others limits to see how far we can go. I'm sure this will be an interesting night.

Making up for lost time ( taylor swift and Ed sheeran)Where stories live. Discover now