What's going to happen next?

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Taylor's POV

The night before the last show with Ed came, it was kind of depressing for me since I got used to see him everyday, to share my room for the last few months, to wake up and fall asleep by his side. I plan to go back to the UK with him for two weeks, he wants me to meet his parents, but first we are having to be apart for a week since he has work to do in London and I have work to to in Nashville. I hear the door open and Ed say " I got us some movies and food" I pop my head from the bathroom " I'll be with you in a minute baby" I get my hair in a ponytail and walk into my suite's living room where Ed is on the sofa " I love your hair like this" he says as he keeps searching for the perfect movie for us to watch " really? This is just the comfortable way to have it" he finally stops searching for the movie and pulls "finding nemo" out " I so love this movie" he laughs and throws his head back, so carelessly, so freely. My eyes fill with unshed tears and he notices this " what's wrong love?" I sigh, I have been trying to not think about this all day " tomorrow is our last show, I'm going to miss this" I cuddle next to him, I know that I won't be able to do this two days from tomorrow, he kisses my head " I'm going to miss this too, but we will make it through" I kiss his cheek " forgive my depressing self, I'm ok, lets watch the movie".

Half way through the movie I reach up and kiss the corner of his lips, our eyes lock and he caress my face, we stay like this, our eyes looking into each others, blue to blue, I can feel his breath on my face, his lisp close to mines, he closes the gap between us, our lips moving in synchronization, his hands on my waist, mines on his hair, he gently lays me down on the sofa, he on top of me, my hands on his arms as his are now running my stomach, his lips move from mines towards my neck, nibbling on the sensitive spot close to my ear, I can't help but moan, what makes him stop, he shifts us, making me lay on top of him, my head resting on his shoulder, Ed keeps kissing the top of my head, he whispers sweet nothings into my ear but one of them is one that I've never heard from him before, it's makes my heart flutter, my whole world stop , three words that changes everything from now on, our relationship won't be the same " I love you" he keeps repeating on my ear, I look up at him, his beautiful eyes closed, a content smile on his face, I pop myself on my elbow and kiss his cheek to make him open his eyes, he does, I kiss his lips lightly and say to him " I love you" he smiles, one of those heart stopping smiles of him, I know that he really loves me, he isn't asking from anything in return from saying it, we were laying on the sofa and he out of the blue said it.

Ed's POV

Taylor fell asleep just before the movie finished, I'm looking at the sealing wondering what's going to happen next, not like in the next few weeks because I know I will see her in the UK, I mean in a few months times, even a year. I just want so many things, I want to live with Taylor but I know that it isn't possible because even in a year from now she will be touring, I want to be able to spend time with her, be there for her brith day, valentines day and every other important date. I want so many things but I've got such a little time, I want to make our last night of tour perfect, tonight I had a complete scenario in mind, I want to get a taste of Taylor's body before we get apart, but I also know that it is her call and I respect that.

I watch Taylor sleep while imagining everything that the future my hold for us, she starts to move, her blue eyes fluttering open, I kiss her lips lightly as she gets used to the brightness coming from the TV " sorry baby, I'm just really tired" she apologizes but I like watching her sleep " don't worry, I love watching you sleep, it's really peaceful" Taylor blushes and I chuckle she is so shy still, she shifts so she is seating on my laps, her head resting on my shoulder, our breathing synchronized, she breaths in and I out, this is what I'm looking in a relation, there is no need of words, there aren't awkward silences, just the feeling of her head in my shoulder, the comfort that she is in need of that I'm giving her, the certainty that maybe everything could go wrongs but as long as she is by my side it doesn't matter.

Finally Taylor decided to go to sleep on her bed, I'm about to get up and go to my room but she as she has done many other nights asks me to stay, and I do. I lay on her bed and cuddle her, she falls asleep quickly, I can't sleep, the great unknown is keeping me up. I wonder how my parents will get along with Taylor, I hope they get along as good as I get along with Andrea and Scott. Taylor and my mom seem like they would have a lot to talk about, both love clothe, cooking and the nature. For me it's a big deal to introduce her to my parents since the only girl I have ever brought home is Alice. The thought of her doesn't bring me sadness anymore, in fact, since I met Taylor I have not thought of Alice in that way. The new songs for the new record are inspired from Taylor, she is my new muse, my new love, my everything, something completely different from that previous relationship, this really feels like something that could last a life time, a relationship where looks and smiles are more meaningful than the words spoken, the kind of relationship that you could say I love you just because the smile in response was more captivating than hearing Taylor say " I love you too" back to me.

Note: I hope to get feedback in this chapter.

It's a insight kind of chapter, I hope you liked it


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