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Ed's POV

Taylor and I walk into her hotel room, she has been teasing me all night but I know how to play this game, if I give it up, it will all end quickly So I need to focus. We keep silent while we entern the room the sexual tension it's too intense. She walks pass me into the bathroom, I seat on her bed, this is always the awkward part of the night, how to begin. Taylor enters the room wearing a silkie pjs, she seats by my side on bed, she looks beautiful, no make up on, her hair in a messy bun, her eyes look a little tired but they have a sparkle, the same I assume I have. She places her head on my shoulder and I kiss the top of it, we stay silent for minutes, our hearts beating as one, I look into her eyes, they are so blue and full of sparkle, I let my lips linger close to hers, our noses touch, her eyes are closed, I kiss the corner of her mouth first, she smiles, I keep kissing her, her cheek, forehead, temple, tip of her nose until I reach her lips, they are sweet against mines, I nibble on hers to make her open her mouth and grant access. I lay Taylor on her bed,mour lips still together, her hands are tangled around my neck, mines are grabbing her waist pulling her closer to me.

I move and kiss her neck, the soft spot behind her ear, I know that I will probably leave a mark but at this point I don't care. I find my hands racing up her legs and tights, the hem of her pjs move up as my hands goes, they caress her flat stomach , her waist and lastly rest on her rib cage. She pants as her hands pull my hair, that's the most delightful sound I have heard, I roll us over so she is straddling me, her hands go directly to my shirt discarding it, throwing it over her shoulder to the floor, she kisses my neck, nibbles on my earlobe, the few loose locks of hair tickle against my face, our hands now intertwined, our hips grind against each others for some kind of contact.

Taylor's POV

I kiss him, like I have never kissed him before, our eyes stay open, we are staring at each other, I think that I'm looking right into his soul, he Lifts my on and I help him by lifting my arms, he is looking at me, more like staring, I'm now only in my lace underwear, he has not moved nor said anything, I try to cover myself embarrassed " Don't" he says when he sees my attempt to cover " you look beautiful, please don't cover yourself love" I give him a shy smile and blush, he shift us, he on top of me now " don't let anyone tell you otherwise, I love you" he whispers in my ear, those are probably the most perfect words has said to me. He is now kissing the valley of my breast, his hands now cupping them, Ed stops and looks at me, asking for my permission, I nod and lift my torso, we are now seating with our legs tangled, I caress his arms while he unclaps my bra. I look down still shy and he whispers again " beautiful" I look up, his eyes meet mines and I hope he sees the love I can see in his.

Ed's POV

It's surprising to me how shy taylor is about her body, I lay her on bed again but first I get rid if my jenas so she can feel we are equally exposed, I kiss her breast paying attention to the sensitive flesh on them, she moans, her eyes now shut. We both finally are completely flesh to flesh, our bodies presses together. I look into her eyes asking for permission to make her mine, she nods and tenses, I kiss her forehad as I take possession of her, our bodies becoming one, I move gently, making sure that her pleasure is first, the noises we both make are the most primal sounds, I love her right, treat her like she is the most gap fragil and precious thing thats ever been mine, I feel her and myself tense, our pleasure building, I make sure she sees starts behind her closed lids before losing myself.

Taylor's POV

We are now on the car in our way to the airport, my head is on his shoulder, as we both rest our eyes, the night before catching up with us. We say goodbye privately, his eyes full of tears, he grabs my face, his lips kiss mines softly, I have now tears streaming down my face as I hug him tight I whisper " I'll miss you" into his ear, he kisses my temple " I'll miss you more than you'll ever imagine" we stay like this inside the car for a while until I see the clock and notice that it's time for him to go " I love you baby, stay safe" I hug him tighter as I say this " I love you, thanks for yesterday" he whispers, I blush and look down, he laughs softly before lifting my chin and finally goodbye, he takes his hoodie off and hands it to me, it smells like him " I will sleep with him" he kisses my cheek " I'm sure you will"

Ed's POV

I get into the plane that's awaiting for me, the city starts to get small, my head rest against the window,I close my eyes tired from last night, at the thought about about the way she became undone on me, the blush on her cheeks, a smile grows on my face.

Making up for lost time ( taylor swift and Ed sheeran)Where stories live. Discover now