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6 months pregnant

Taylor's POV

Even though this was not planned, everything has gotten on track. Ed and I are doing great and we are actually pretty excited for the arrival of our little girl. Ed is going to be such an amazing father, ever since he found out we are having a girl, he has started to buy every stuffed animal he sees and every cute dress he spots on baby stores. I actually love that he is so devoted. He helps around the house and gives me massages when my back hurts. I couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend.

I have been looking for names, he said that he would be ok with whatever I chose. In fact, he says that the only thing he wants is for our baby girl to be exactly like me. I would prefer if she had ginger hair though, but he is pretty sure that I'm carrying an exact replica of myself.

" babe, what do you think about Ella?" I ask him as he reads a book about pregnancy and the first months after it.

" I love it! What about her middle name?" I scan through the pages looking for another name that might get my attention.

" Isabel?, it would be cute, Ella Isabel Sheeran" I say to him.

He gives me a kiss " I love it" he kisses my belly and talks to our daughter " hello, Ella Isabel! I can't wait to meet you! You are going to be so spoiled" I gently laugh at what he is saying to our baby girl. The truth is that she will probably have everything she wants if she asks Ed for it. He seems to be unable to say no to me and apparently he won't be able to say no to Ella.

" babe, I have been meaning to ask you... Do you think we should buy a house together? And maybe after Ella is born get married? I mean, I want to raise our daughter in a stable family, in a family like you and I had" he looks so cute when he is nervous, he stutters and his face gets the color of his hair.

" I mean, If you want we can buy a house together Ed. But don't feel like we have to get married just because we are having a child together. That would be marrying for the wrong reasons" I actually want to get married but I sometimes feel that I forced him into this situation and as much as he loves our daughter it doesn't mean that he has to be stuck with me for the rest of his life, at least not if he doesn't want to.

" I actually believe that getting married because we are having a daughter together is one of the many reasons. I love you Taylor. I believe that God gave us our daughter as a reason to make up and keep going with our life together. To not give up on us. I love you, and it might be a little sooner than what I envisioned when we first got together but I would love to get married. Of course we can wait until Ella is born but it is something I feel we should do" he looks so vulnerable trying to explain himself, I love him so much and was so broken when I decided to end our relationship that what he is saying makes perfect sense.

" ok then. Let's get married when Ella is three months old" I say while I kiss him and cuddle as close as our baby girl allows us.

AN: this was the best I could come up with! Thank you!

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