Stares and new beginnings

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Taylor's POV

We are back on tour, I haven't seen Ed in a week, we are now in the Canada part of it. Ed and I spent the following days to our confessions in Nashville, talking, sharing and acting as any other couple would, minus the kissing part. I know that I'm making this more complicated that it would if we were behaving as just friends but Ed refused to treat me as just another buddy and I was not complaining about it. I love his hugs, his comforting words and today the are more effective than ever.

Ed's POV

I keep stealing glances at Taylor as we perform together, it's just that she looks stunning and I can't help myself, for some unknown reason when I hug her at the end of our performance her hug was quick and short, like she didn't want to receive my hug, now I notice that she isn't looking at me when I talk to her before I leave the stage. The rest of the show I notice that something is off. The sparkle on her eyes isn't as bright as usual, she looks tired.

I see her run out of stage and lock herself in her dressing room, I longer around the door deciding if I should or should not knock in her door. I press my ear against it, I hear muffled sobs coming from the other side of the door, I knock on it and wait for and answer a soft "coming" abs she opens the door and starts to talks without realizing I'm not Andrea until I say " Tay, why are you crying?" She tries to shake it off saying that it's nothing, I touch her shoulder " it's something, if it weren't you wouldn't be crying" she tries to smile and reassures me she's ok, bullshit, but I know she Is in a hurry, she has fans waiting for her, I open my arms " hug?" And Taylor immediately cuddles against me, she cries and all I can say is " don't cry love, don't cry"

We said the she would meet me in her tour bus, she enters and sits by me side, I asks her Id she is feeling better to what she nods and I make a silly questions to lighten the environment " who do I have to punch?" And she mutters " you might have to punch yourself then" now she has me lost, I haven't done anything to make her cry, I tell her this and she lays her head in my shoulder " I haut which that I could all be simple, you know?" I kiss the side of her head inhaling her scent " then lets make everything simple" we stay quiet but I still need to know what I did wrong " If I tell you a secret, you'll tell me what has you like this?" I feel her nod and I start to tell her how I like this girl and how she is sweet but I somehow made her cry but all I get is to make Taylor cry even more, when I ask why? She looks at me " don't you see! We can't date, I really like you too but it's killing me not being able to be with you. You know what people say about me, I can't date you because if everything ends up wrong I will lose you and I don't want to, I can't lose you, I care too much, it's just complicated " I grab her face, both of my hands framing her perfectly, I start to tell her how I Soren Carr what people say, she starts to bite her lip to avoid crying and I just can't help myself anymore and kiss her, I kiss her hard with desperation

Taylor's POV

This kiss started passionately, like life depended on it, but slowly it turns into a sweet loving kiss the type of kiss that every girl in the work wants, as Ed ends the kiss his lips linger close to mines and he gives me one last peck, he whipped the tears away from my cheeks and hugs me, I lay my head on his shoulder, his lips pressed to my neck, he whispers " you can't keep running from me but if you do, I will always go a chase you. I will stay and long as you want me to".

Making up for lost time ( taylor swift and Ed sheeran)Where stories live. Discover now