Bathtubs and glasses of wine

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Taylor's POV

I don't want to cry myself to sleep, that's the worst way to go to bed, I prefer to take a long bath, maybe even a glass of wine to help me get everything clear. I go to the kitchen expecting to not find Ed there. As I go down stairs I can hear his voice, the guitar. The melody is sad almost depressing and I know that I am the reason behind it. The lyric is along the lines of why am I the one he had to fall in love with and why falling in love hurts so much. I feel tears starting to pool in my eyes, I try to control them, I need to get into my kitchen, get the whole bottle of wine and think. I can't deal with the hurt that he is pouring on his lyric right now.

I try to not make a lot of noise when I enter the kitchen but I hear him say " Taylor? Are you ok love?" I close my eyes, most people wouldn't even speak to me right now, I wouldn't speak to myself right now, I open my eyes and stare at him, his eyes break my heart, they are red and swollen " I... How can you even speak to me when it's my fault that you are hurting?" He gets closer to me, I just want to kiss him, I feel him sneak his arms around me and now he is the one comforting me.

Ed's POV

I want to be mad at her, I really want, but a look into those eyes full of sadness and regret and I just want to make it all better for her, I answer her question " Because you said that you don't want to lose me, that you value our friendship so much, that the only way for you to be sure of that is by staying friends so I'm not giving up on you, but I want to make sure that while you change your opinion about us we stay friends, because that was what you wanted" I feel her head rest on my shoulder, I inhale her smell, she looks up at me " I'm going to get a bottle of wine up to my room, feel free to grab anything from the fridge if hungry" she kisses my cheek and goes upstairs.

I go upstairs and see the door of Taylor's bedroom open, I need to ask her where am I going to sleep, the bathroom door is half closed and the lights are off, I open it to find Taylor with her eyes closed and a glass of wine on her hand, I don't know if she heard me but I can't take my eyes off the sight in front of me " Ed?" I realize she is now looking at me " Sorry, the door was open and the lights off" I rub the back of my neck " It's ok, the tub is filled with bubbles anyway. Want a glass of wine?" Taylor is trying to kill me! she is asking if I want to have a glass of wine with her while she is laying naked covered by bubbles " Are you sure? I mean..." I make a gesture at the bathtub, she laughs " You are my friend, I'm not showing anything, I mean I can barely see you... Why not?"

Taylor's POV

After we drank the whole bottle, I think that we both are a little bit drunk, we have been talking non stop but suddenly Ed gets serious " I whish I could free you from the idea that the only way to keep me forever in your life is by not dating, I'm not going to hurt you!" I look at his eyes, they always make me calm " Believe me when I say that I'm not going to hurt you" I want to protect him, it's not only what I feel, it's that I don't want him to get hurt " I want to believe you but my heart tells me that I also have to protect you"

Ed's POV

She keeps saying that she has to protect me, but from what? " What is it that you have to protect me from?" I see her look at me in the eyes. hers full of tears, I don't want to make her cry, she doesn't deserve that " I need to protect you from me, my reputation, everything people say about me" her tears are now flowing down her cheeks " If you weren't in the bathtub, I would kiss you right now" she gives me a sad smile " Then it's a good thing that I'm still on it"

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