4 months ago

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Please some kind of feedback is appreciated.


Taylor's POV

I was laying in the bed of my tour bus when light knock on my door was heard, I was really tired from the show of the night before, the arena had been full of wild and loud fans, it had been amazing but I needed to rest because today we had another show, the knock again was heard on the door but this time I heard a cute British accent too " Taylor, are you there?" I was too lazy to get up " it's open Ed come in" I didn't get up from my bed waiting for Ed to appear " get up from bed, don't be so lazy" he said laughing, I gave him a perfect hurt look " I'm not lazy, I'm just tired " he sat on my bed and Meredith sat by his side to be pet " I swear that cat loves you more than me" he laughed " what can I say? I'm sooo lovable" I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek " I'm sure you are" he looked into my eyes, blue to blue, I blushed and he gave me a quick kiss too " I'm hungry" he whispered into my ear.

Ed's POV

I knew that Taylor loved cooking so because I was hungry I decided to ask her to make me something " what are you going to cook me?" She got up from bed, dressed in a black camisole and small shorts, she looked stunning and I found myself staring until Taylor said " checking me out?" I blushed and said " no I'm not" she smiled at me and I looked away, my face still the color of my hair " what do you want? I can make you ... Lets see... There is pasta and ..." I got up and sat by the sofa next to the bus kitchen " pasta is ok really" I saw her work around the kitchen until I looked up to see her trying to get something from the top of the cabinets " hey let me help you!" I walked until I was behind her, she had climbed up to the counter top " I got it I got it" the next thing I knew was that I heard her squeal and she landed on top of me on the floor, we were laughing really hard until I look into her eyes, we both stayed quiet, I stared at her lips, they look so soft and kissable, she stares into my eyes and leans in, in that moment everything did click for me, this was why I loved being around her, she was so sweet but yet sexy and funny, everything perfect, everything that a woman should be.

Taylor's POV

I was waiting to feel his lips on mine when the ring from the oven where I was toasting garlic bread sounded " I should ..." I blushed and looked away, Ed was blushing too " yes, you didn't get hurt did you?" I shook my head and got up. What had me confused was how badly I wanted for the ring to never had sounded, for that kiss to happen, I was falling for Ed but I somehow had to make it stop.

Making up for lost time ( taylor swift and Ed sheeran)Where stories live. Discover now