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Making up for lost time (Reunion)

Taylor’s POV

I get out of the plane in London, Ed should be waiting for me, I can’t wait to see him and kiss him, I have missed him so much, all I want to do this next three days is to cuddle with him and maybe, well, surely make love. I walk into the private room of the airport waiting for my luggage to be download and my passport checked when he walks in, I run to him and he wraps his arms around me, I feel my feet lift from the ground, I kiss his forehead as he slowly returns me to the ground and caress my cheeks with his hands, his lips slowly get closer to mines, I can feel his breath on my face “ I love you” I whisper and his lips finally touch mines.

The world could be falling apart and we wouldn’t have noticed, he is still kissing me, our lips are hungry for the other, I can taste mint on his mouth, his hands are now creeping into my shirt resting on my waist, and we are lost in the moment until…. I hear someone clearing his throat and I blush quickly  and Ed lets go “ I’m sorry to interrupt miss but you luggage is already in the car and here is your passport” the man in uniform hands it to me and Ed quickly grabs my hand and starts walking to the car that’s waiting for us.

We seat in the car, in silence, one of the most beautiful things about our relationship is that there isn’t anything awkward about silence, he keeps running his thumb over my hand, it’s so soothing. Soon we stop in front of a building, which I suppose is where he lives, I have never been to his house “ I hope you are hungry, because I couldn’t get myself out of having lunch with my parents so you are coming with me” I freeze as we wait for the elevator, did he just say that I’m meeting his parents “ wait… what?!” I hear him sigh and he wraps his arms around me, from behind “ I know I should of told you before but I tried so hard to get out of it but my mom really wants to meet, I quote “ the girl who stole my baby’s heart”” I laugh so hard after that but at the same time I’m freaking out “ please tell me that I have time to at least get a shower” Ed kisses the side of my head “ yes, we have three hours before meeting them”.

I quickly decide what to wear, my final choice a black dress, you can never do wrong with them, and go in the shower. As I’m soaping myself I feel Ed sneak his arms around me, he kisses my neck, the spot just behind my ear, which drives me nuts and he knows it “ I thought you were taking you long so I decided to check on you” I laugh softly but soon turns into a moan “ If we are going to do this, it has to be quick, I need some time to get myself together before meeting your parents, I mean a I just had sex with your son look isn’t the best one” he kisses my shoulder as his hands sneak up to my breast “ Ok Love, I’ll make sure this is quick”.

We kiss, feel and connect, his hands are all over my body giving me the perfect amount of pleasure, his lips connect to mines in the most intimate way, a way that shows not only the lust and need of the moment but also the love we have, this big and perfect feeling we share, our bodies move like one and soon enough we both make a trip to see the stars. He kisses the top of my head and carries me to bed wrapped in a towel “we still have time for round two, you know?” I kiss his lips quickly “You are incorrigible did you know that?” but he is already inside me again and now isn’t the moment to talk.

Ed’s POV

We are in the car on our way back from lunch with my parents, I’m sure they liked Taylor even though she still thinks she messed up because she dropped a glass of water. I see her looking out the window and she whips a tear from her cheek , she is really emotional today “baby it’s ok, I’m sure my mum and dad liked you a lot” Taylor looked over to me and smiled slightly “ I don’t even know why I’m crying!” and she keeps crying, definitely hormones “ shhh… it’s ok… do you want to go buy some ice cream before we go home?” she nods and I park in the nearest ice cream shop I find.

We seat on the couch wrapped in a blanket watching Shrek, I keep drawing patrons in the bare skin if her shoulder, every once in a while I kiss her head and she smiles at me, she is still sensitive and I really hope that this doesn’t occur every month. A beep on my phone and immediately the voice of my mom is on the answering machine “ hi honey, I just wanted to tell you that we really enjoyed lunch and that we really like Taylor, she is a keeper my boy! Love you and hope to see you soon honey” Taylor looks up to me and I quickly close the space between us, kissing her softly, she smiles into the kiss and I whisper against her lips “ see? They love you… they want me to keep you… I’m sure as hell that I will” and kiss her again.

Making up for lost time ( taylor swift and Ed sheeran)Where stories live. Discover now