Nightmares,new teachers,friends oh my!

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Disclaimer and notifications: I do not own yu-gi-oh and I will be calling yami Marik Melvin and the characters won't be wearing the blue school uniforms they'll just wear their usual except if they're a teacher then they'll be wearing dress shirts with ties or something like that, I don't own any of the art work
He was tied up and couldn't do anything as the screams of his family entered his ears; the fire was beginning to get closer and closer. He tired to scream but only got suffocated by the smoke of the bright blooming flower's petals. He thought this couldn't be any worse until he heard his father laughing causing his family and friend's voices joining along; he finally got a scream to release from his mouth making his throat sore and raspy. Marik woke up gasping and frantically looking around before he realized that it was all just a dream 'dream? Pfft more like nightmare!' He thought to himself as he tried to calm down, just at that moment his roommate, Ryou barged in "Wake up it's time for schoo-" he stopped mid-sentence when he saw that Marik was wide awake with messy hair and smeared kohl markings "I'll um just go make breakfast while you get ready" Ryou said awkwardly as he turned to start leaving.
(Time skip because Marik's morning routine takes for ever and I'm lazy)
Ryou had to literally drag Marik out of their house in order to get them to school on time "Just do your eye makeup in the car, we're going to be late on our first day." "But Ryou! What if I mess up because of a bump in the rode!" Marik whined in a childish tone "You won't, the school building isn't that far away! Plus we have new teachers." With that sentence Marik instantly got in the car and started asking a million questions per minute "do you know who they are? What do they look like? Are they strict or nice?" Ryou started to drone him out in order to focus on the rode and parked in front of the school in no time. They both got out of the car and began speed-walking to their home rooms. Once the boys sat at desks next to each other they instantly looked at each other's schedules "we have history, gym, math, and language together." Marik stated while slightly smiling, Ryou smiled back " I wonder if my brother and cousin actually followed through with becoming teachers here" Marik nodded "that would be interesting, I've never met your brother before....speaking of brother got a job here too." They both laughed quietly at the coincidence but stopped when a tri-colored haired boy walked up to them " Hello, I'm Yugi mutou, I sit right behind you two and I just wanted to introduce my self." Yugi said smiling brightly to which Ryou responded with a just as bright smile "I'm Ryou and this is my friend Marik" Marik smiled as well but not as bright since he didn't know the strange kid. (Slight time skip)
Yugi, Ryou, and Marik soon became friends through their favorite game...duel monsters and started talking about other topics as well " what's your next class?" Yugi asked politely to the two others who handed him their schedules "Super special awesome! You two have history, gym, math, and language with me!" He said happily. Ryou couldn't help but giggle at Yugi's choice of words "That's cool." "Yup" Marik agreed.
(Time skip to their classes)
Ryou walked to his first class,science, nervously and saw that the teacher, who looked stoic and strict, was calling our names and pointing to seats "Joey" he paused to point at a seat and let his bright blue eyes follow the said blondes form to his seat before pointing to the seat next to him "Ryou". Ryou hesitantly sat in his seat and looked over at the blonde "h-hello, I'm Ryou." He said as polite and non stuttery as he could "The names Joey, Joey wheeler." The boy said with a Brooklyn accent "I'm one of mr. Kaiba's least favorite students because I don't always agree with him." Kaiba looked at Joey and slightly glared "Ok class, I'm Kaiba you're new science teacher for the year and here are a few things I don't put up with: whining, sass, talking back, pranks, bullying, or anything that pathetic people will do. Today's lesson will be simple, we will be learning about the periodic, who can tell me the fifth element?" No one raised their hands as they tried to remember or were to scared to. Kaiba began growing impatient "wheeler, would you happen to know?" Joey's reply was slightly startled "n-nyeh! Um.. Nitrogen?" "Wrong, that's the 7th element...Ryou do you know?" "I-isn't it boron?" Ryou asked slightly intimidated "correct." Ryou sighed silently in relief once he heard he was correct " tell me what the 10th element is" Kaiba said once he heard his sigh of relief "u-uh I...n-neon?" Ryou asked nervously, Kaiba only nodded and continued talking about the elements and sending slight mean looks to Joey which Ryou would've felt bad for Joey but the only problem was that the blonde blushed whenever Kaiba even walked close to him.
(Marik's class)
Marik walked next to Yugi until they had to part ways and walked into the S.T.E.M class room in which he saw a brunette with an odd trianglish shaped hair "the seating arrangement will be free style since I don't do seating charts unless I need them" Marik blinked once then twice when he saw all the students were sitting with their friends and since he had none in here he sat next to a random person " hello I'm..."

((Mwahahaha chapter one and already there's a cliffhanger!))

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