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Notes and disclaimers: I do not own yu-gi-oh or the art. The picture above is what I think would happen if Bakura and akefia wanted to watch different channels lol

After everyone was dressed and ready they all had to rush out the door. "Who's driving?" Ryou asked curiously with his head slightly tilted only to sweat drop when akefia and Bakura said in unison "I will!" One being louder than the other; instantly they looked at each other, one angry and the other annoyed "it's my car, and I don't feel like having it scratched up." ((Sorry just a little side note: they each have their own cars)) Bakura said slightly glaring "well, you drove yesterday!" The other shouted with closed fist. Marik looked over to his friend and whispered "do they always do this so immaturely?" Ryou slowly nodded as he heard his brother and cousin still bickering, he walked over to them "I'll just drive, you two can continue your pouting and arguing in the backseat." He said slightly strict yet not to much while scolding them before taking the keys and getting in the front seat before his eyes widened "I just realized something! We only have four seats and there's five of us......" Akefia hopped into the front seat "so what? It won't kill anyone to sit on another's lap." Bakura gave him a quick glare before sitting in the backseat behind the drivers seat "the question is, who is it going to be?" Ryou asked slightly deep in thought before his eyes lightened up and he smiled a little evilly but then back to normal 'I have the perfect idea.' He looked up with a closed eyed smile "hey Marik? Do you think you would be able to sit on Bakura's lap because I've known you longer than Yugi and I don't think he be comfortable sitting on anyone's lap?" Marik face turned slightly red "wh-what?!...." He trailed off as he tried to think of an excuse but soon gave up, but he was still going to not show the fact that he may have a tiny itty bitty crush on his teacher, He sighed before nodding and sitting on Bakura's lap. Bakura's face turned a light pink and he blinked twice before shrugging and looking over at Ryou 'I knew he could be evil sometimes!'
(Really super small time skip)
The ride to school was really awkward...for Marik and Bakura, Marik looked out the window before slightly jumping and blushing darkly when he felt arms wrap around his waist "we can't wear the seatbelt at the same time so I'll wear it and make sure you won't get hurt." He heard Bakura say directly in his ear which made him shudder "o-ok...." He looked over at Yugi only to see him blushing while spacing out "probably thinking about yami."  He said out loud when he meant to only say it in his head, Bakura and akefia both raised an eyebrow while Ryou looked like he was ready to scold him, Yugi on the other hand was blushing dark Crimson "H-how did y-you know?" He asked, stuttering a bit, Marik could only blink before smirking with a hint of a smile "it was kind of obvious, remember I teased you about it earlier?" His smirk slightly died down and left him with just a normal small smile when Yugi's blush darkened and he smiled before laughing a little when remembering that slightly funny moment. Ryou sighed in relief before putting on a song only to have his eyes widen, a certain song that he liked, that wasn't usually played, was coming through the radios speakers. ((The song is:

)) Bakura slightly smirked and akefia grinned slightly mischievously "hey ry, can you turn up the radio a bit?" He asked with mock innocence which caused Ryou to stiffen up a bit since it was already hard enough that he had to try not to sing the song at this volume. Yugi and Marik both looked at everyone in the car, dumbfounded on what was going on, before stopping their eyes on Ryou who hesitantly turned up the radio. Marik's eyes slightly widened when he recognized the song and soon he also grew a smirk while poor Yugi was confused as hell 'what's even going on?!' He questioned himself in his mind even though he knew he wouldn't get an answer; at that moment Ryou couldn't take it anymore and started to sing along with the lyrics to the song.
(Mini timeskip)
Ryou parked the car in the school parking lot with a frown once the song ended, he looked at akefia then at everyone in the backseat, pouting slightly "that was sooo embarrassing..." He said still pouting which caused everyone to laugh or chuckle. Yugi smiled "you are a (laugh) fantastic singer." He said through laughter and Marik pitched in "you should (chuckle) sing more often!" Bakura couldn't stop chuckling while akefia was laughing.

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