Accidental kiss

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Notes and disclaimers:I don't own the art work or yu-gi-oh. It's officially summer break :D! Thank you ArtemisSilver478 for adding my stories to your reading list, you are one of my favorite authors so I'm really happy. Also thank you @lemankat59 for adding my story to your reading list as well :D. I recently went to comicon as ciel and bought q scalemate along with a yu-gi-oh button.
Marik's pov
Once the fiasco in L.A was over we headed to math, with Melvin of course, and I couldn't help but sigh a little in boredom. "What are we learning today?" I decided to ask even though I didn't really care that much. When I didn't get an answer I raised an eyebrow to look over at Melvin only to see he wasn't there and I couldn't help but think 'what the actual frig?...' I looked at Yugi with a look that "obviously" said 'where the hell is my insane teacher brother?!' Only for Yugi to shrug and gesture to Ryou as if to say 'I don't know but it looks like someone's breaking bro code and is getting a crush on your brother' I looked at ryou and saw him staring off into space with a light blush on his face. I rolled my eyes with a small smile and continued walking to math.
(Time skip to math)
(No ones pov)
When the trio arrived to class they were surprised to see that the whole class was there but the lion maned teacher was not; regardless they all took a seat next to each other and waited, Marik was beginning to feel a little nervous as the seconds soon became minutes. Just as Marik was going to get up and look for his brother the door swung open showing the lion maned man. Instantly the whole class looked forward as Melvin sat down at his desk and pulled up the attendance list to check who was there and who was not, he started saying out names and checking everything off before standing up and walking to the chalk board. "I know that I was really late but we're still going to try to add some geometry lessons in for today, I'll be passing out work sheets for the whole class to do. You may work with partners." With that said he began handing out the worksheets. He was walking towards Ryou to hand him a worksheet only to trip on a loose piece of carpet ((geez Melvin you should really fix that floor)) and began to fall before his fall was broken by Ryou's desk; he felt something warm pressed to his lips and couldn't help but pull away to find out in curiosity. He couldn't stop his eyes from widening when he saw that his lips were pressed to Ryou's earlier, he looked up into Ryou's flushed face with eyes still wide before standing up and clearing his throat, feeling a blush of his own slowly forming on his face, he looked around watching as some girls faces were bright red while others were squealing, some guys were shocked, a few were also squealing. Ryou's eyes were also wide and couldn't help but be surprised as he slowly sunk into his seat, he looked over at Marik,who only blinked at him before gaining a slight smirk, before looking at Yugi, who was almost as shocked as him. Melvin went to the front of the class quickly "class dismissed!" With that he walked out of the classroom and into the teachers lounge watching as the others teachers soon joined.
(Teachers lounge)
Melvin covered the top of his eyes while looking down, not meeting anyone's eyes, which was slightly out of character but not at the same time, he was especially avoiding Amane's and Bakura's. Eventually Ishizu walked over to her brother and sat next to him "what's wrong?" Melvin just narrowed his eyes, still with a light blush, before shaking his head "nothing's wrong..."
Bakura couldn't help but feel a little suspicious of Melvin so he moved over to his other side "are you sure Melvin?" He asked feeling his protective brother instinct happening. Melvin looked at Bakura ready to tell him to back up but instead stood up and walked to his classroom again. Bakura watched after him, definitely suspicious now.
(Lunch room)
Ryou looked down at his food still blushing as Marik was smirking. Marik lightly poked Ryou " you like my psycho of a brother?" He said in a teasing tone, which caused Ryou's blush to deepen "n-no...." He almost pouted when he heard his own stuttering before eating some home packed food. Marik didn't stop there though and continued his teasing "you know that he's single right?" Ryou almost choked on his food "wh-what?!" Yugi sat next to Ryou "Marik stop teasing him, he wasn't the only one checking out a teacher." Marik felt his face heat up along with Ryou's as they both looked at Yugi before saying (more like shouting) in unison "I WAS NOT CHECKING OUT A TEACHER!" This caused some chuckles from Yugi and another person behind him. All of them slowly looked behind Yugi only to see their history teacher, yami.
(This was really short sorry)

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