Somebody's jealouuuuusssss

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Notes and disclaimers: I don't own the art or yugioh. You know what they say, another month another chapter. This picture isn't yugioh but I can relate with it. I just suck at responding to people T~T. Hope you all like this chapter because someone's going to get jeeeeaaaaaaalouuuus
No ones pov
Melvin let out a sigh as he finally finished grading half the test. He stood up and faced the two younger males, only to see one spinning rapidly for no reason and the other asleep. Melvin groaned and walked over to Marik, "stop spinning, you're going to make yourself sick and I don't want to clean up your throw up." Marik blinked, trying to stop the spinning in his "Well I had nothing to do!" He shakily stood up and waited until he could finally walk straight ((THATS POSSIBLE FOR MARIK???!!! o.O)) before he held his hand out expectantly. Melvin raised an eyebrow, "what?" "Give me the keys." Marik snappily replied, hand now on his hip. Melvin was getting ready to argue before he was interrupted by his own yawn. He growled silently at his own human need for sleep as he handed Marik the keys. Marik smirked in victory as he gestured to Ryou, "you're going to have to carry him to the car, I'll get your paper work." Marik picked up the large stack of murdered trees and began to walk out of the room. Melvin yawned again as he walked over to Ryou's sleeping form. He carefully picked the albino up, carrying him towards his car. Marik unlocked the doors and set the paper work down gently before hopping in the front seat and starting the car, "HURRY UP MELVIIINNNNNNN!!!" Melvin frowned at the loud yelling and set Ryou down in the backseat before getting in himself. The sleeping male had a small smile as he began to lean on Melvin's shoulder. Melvin felt his own eyelids become heavy with sleep as the vehicle came to life. He tried to stay awake but failed miserably and found himself fast asleep.
(Mini time skip)
Marik looked throw the rear view mirror and smiled as he saw Ryou and Melvin fast asleep and snuggled up together. Ryou was leaned against the taller males shoulder while Melvin had his head lightly on top of Ryou's. He looked back to the road as he continued his trip to the dorm. He'd have to remember to call the police about his motorcycle once he got there. 
(Another timeskip in a different area brought to you by floooofff)
Bakura rang the doorbell again with aggravation, where the heck was Ryou? He began to tap his foot while waiting. He didn't see Marik's motorbike in the driveway so they might not be there. He turned to leave just as a car pulled up in front of the house, Marik seen in the front seat as he woke someone up in the backseat. Marik hopped out of the car and walked to the door, spotting Bakura before he got there. "Oh hey fluffy." He smiled as he took out his own keys. Bakura scowled at the nickname but greeted the other nonetheless before questioning about his brother's whereabouts. His questions were answered as Melvin exited the car carrying a sleeping Ryou. Bakuras gaze instantly became a glare. "I thought I told you to stay away from Ryou." His words held venom as he continued the glare down. Melvin shrugged his shoulders, "too bad, he was asleep." He tried to walk past but it didn't really work out very well. Melvin narrowed his eyes back "Well you can't see Marik." Bakura gave a deadpan look, "I teach him fool." "I teach Ryou!" Bakura got an evil smirk and crossed his arms, preparing to state something else before a blur of purple got in between them both. "You're both idiots, stop fighting and just come inside for coffee, tea, or whatever the frig you guys drink." Marik began dragging the older albino inside, Melvin following begrudgingly. Marik began to make both tea and coffee before sitting at the table. Ryou was asleep and still on the couch, oblivious to the tense air surrounding them. Bakura and Melvin just continued their glare fest as Marik tried in vain to ease the tension. "So what's for school tomorrow?" He only got silence. He groaned before standing up, "you know what, frig this! If you two are going to be immature I'm just going to make my call and kick you both out. Ryou can do what Ryou wants and I can do what I want so bye!" He took his phone out of his pocket as both of the teachers glared at him instead of each other now. He ignored them and called the police, notifying them the information about his bike and what happened. He then grabbed the coffee and tea, almost violently giving the two males their drinks. He ignored them both, especially Bakura. "Now that you both have had some sort of caffeine...get out." He began to rush them to the door. "Have a nice night and bye!" "Marik!" Marik ignored bakuras yell as he slammed the door in his brother's and English teachers faces. He hmmpfed as he sat down on the couch.
((Next day))
The school day went as it always did, except that Ryou still wasn't aware of any of the tension and Marik ignored Bakura entirely, even in English class. Yugi got to hang out with one of his friends ((it's téa (also known as Anzu)) and also made plans to hang out with her at the mall later.
(After school timeskip)
Yugi smiles widely as he ran into the mall, looking around for his friend. He came to a stop as he spotted the brunette bob cut and walked up to her. She smiled down at him "Hey Yugi." Yugi waved before responding in a happy tone. Téa had a light blush on her cheeks as she grabbed Yugi's hand and began walking around the mall with him. They made small talk and went to the food court. Yugi was having a great time and didn't notice that a certain history teacher saw almost the whole thing with him hanging out with the brunette. Yami felt anger as he watched the girl blush and act as if she was Yugi's girlfriend. He frowned as he got up and began to make his way out of the mall, he still had to pick Atem up from practice and he didn't want to do something he would regret due to his jealousy.

((Ran out of room for everything in this chapter again T~T (I try to limit my chapters to from 700-1,000) so be prepared for even more jealousy and angst. There will also be casteshipping. Idek where I'm going with this story lol))

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