Teasing and ships arising!

414 22 7

Disclaimer and notes: I don't own any of the art work and I don't own yu-gi-oh

Yugi's eyes widened in surprise when he saw the history teacher 'what the fudge! He's hot! And He looks like me! But yet again he's fucking hot!' Ryou leaned close to Yugi and whispered "you never told me you had a brother." "I don't....I don't even know this teacher." Yugi whispered back, Marik blinked curiously "either he's a stalker or he likes the same hairstyle as you and Atem." Marik said trying to be quiet and reasonable for once. "Hello students, I'm yami sennen, you may call me either yami or mr. Sennen, no nicknames." The teacher began "I'm going to be your history teacher as you all must have guessed and this quarter you will be learning about ancient Egypt." Marik's eyes brightened up when he mentioned this and he instantly payed complete attention while Yugi was still staring at his teacher trying to make sure his thoughts didn't wander 'oh, ancient Egypt....gosh dang it! The teachers hotness is distracting me! Nooooo!' Yugi thought as a blush spread across his face. The teacher, yami, put on a pair of thin glasses and began writing down a few hieroglyphs "I heard that last year you guys studied hieroglyphs," the teacher said while looking over at the students and smirking when he saw Yugi's red face. Yugi gulped when he noticed the teacher staring right at him and smirking 'please don't let him be a mind reader!' His mind said kind of ridiculously; "Yugi, would you like to write down the translation for the hieroglyphs?" Yami said still smirking, Yugi slowly nodded and stood up to walk up the bored before grabbing some chalk, he began translating the hieroglyphs to English then to Japanese before quickly walking back to his seat, not noticing that the teacher was watching him "thank you Yugi."
Ryou stretched once he exited the class and Marik smirked before looking at Yugi "you were blushing in class, do you like mr.sennen?" Yugi's eyes widened and he blushed Crimson "u-um..." "Stop teasing him." Ryou said almost scolding Marik like a mom would "fine....I'm so glad that this is our last class today!" Marik exclaimed smiling happily "why?" Ryou tilted his head "it's the class my brother is teaching in! Be warned though, he's slightly insane." Ryou looked even more curious "well then, this should be interesting" Yugi wasn't listening to them as he Began thinking of a certain teacher before Ryou snapped his fingers in front of his face "sorry Yugi, you were just spacing out and I want to tell you and Marik something, I'm having a sleepover after school because Bakura said it was ok, do you want to come?" Yugi nodded while Marik smiled widely "yes!"
As soon as they got into math Ryou accidentally almost tripped over his own feet for no reason "GAH!" Luckily he was able to balance himself before he hit the floor; after that happened he quickly sat down, blushing in embarrassment when he noticed that everyone including who he assumed was the teacher was watching him. Marik sat down next to Ryou before looking at everyone else "what? You guys haven't seen someone almost trip before?" Marik said slightly snappily which caused everyone to look away except for the teacher who stood up and walked to the board. Yugi sat on the other side of Ryou before giving him a reassuring smile and mouthing 'don't worry no one will remember.' Ryou smiled back and his blush faded, the teacher began to speak "hello, I'm Melvin Ishtar and that one over there." He pointed to Marik "is my little brother, trust me he isn't usually that snappy, but sometimes he is....aaanywhooo shall we get on with the lesson." Ryou looked at Melvin then Marik then Melvin again 'they look a lot alike...no wonder how I knew he was the teacher.' He slowly looked out the window while listening to students murmur "today we'll begin learning about basic college algebra." As soon as this statement left the teachers mouth Ryou looked forward since he was best with algebra and always made sure to pay attention to school, but when he did look forward he realized that the teacher was right next to him and setting a pile of papers on his desk "we'll start by doing a worksheet, Ryou will you please help pass them out?" Ryou nodded before standing up with a very light blush on his face that was more noticeable than he thought since he's so pale.
(Timeskip to after school)
Ryou started walking to his car with Marik, "I hope you don't mind but Bakura walked here and because I don't want him to get hurt on the way home, he's going to sit in the front seat...and you'll have to sit in the back." Ryou said to which Marik responded with "what?! But I like the front seat." He started slightly pouting causing someone behind him to chuckle.

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