The mall and greens eyes part 2

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Disclaimers and notes: I don't own yu-gi-oh or the art. Be warned, this chapter is Gory.This probably won't be posted until the 6th (possibly even the 7th) but on the 5th I officially turned one year closer to my death lol. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and thank you all for the views, likes, and adding my book to reading lists :D
No ones pov
The group of teens slowly approached the other, smaller, group of teens with fist up. To say that melvin and yugi were surprised when ryou made the first move would be an understatement, melvins mouth was slightly hanging open as he watched ryou's fist got the kid in the nose, making a ,sickening to some, cracking noise,causing a torrent of blood to erupt from the leader's nose. Melvin was such a large mixture of being impressed and astonished, he  forgot that they were in the middle of a fist fight and ended up getting kicked really hard in the gut, the kick didn't effect him much honestly but it still was enough to leave a bruise. He looked down at the kid with the darkest glare he could before smiling insanely "would you like a hug?" The kid looked creeped out and confused "what?- fuck no, what's wrong with you?!" Melvin just shrugged his shoulder "too many things to count." Before kicking the game kid as revenge for earlier, except his kicks were harder, laughing the whole while. Ryou's eyes were such a bright emerald green they were practically glowing as he tripped another kid before punching another, he felt powerful for once, like no one will ever touch him or hurt his friends. He slowly looked over at Melvin, watching him punching and kicking many of the kids, which earned a smile, before looking to marik who was also punching people but looked to be more angered than happy.
Marik's pov
I was so pissed that these kids picked on my friends and brother, who in the hell did they think they were?! I growled before I punched one of the opposite group members in the face as hard as i could, hearing them basically crying out for their parents, which I thought was foolish so I jut shook my head in disapproval giving a look of disgust. I looked at Melvin only to see him smiling like a psycho.... Well that's normal anyways....before looking at yugi who looked more confused and scared than anything, I frowned even more and walked over to him "you ok?" Yugi nodded his head "yeah just utterly and totally lost...what plot was the author going for?" I tilted my head, curious "author?......" I shook my head to snap out of it "nows not the time to break the fourth wall! We have to go before security comes." As if on cue two security guards turned around the corner heading straight for us, I quickly helped yugi up before grabbing melvins hand, who then grabbed ryou's, before bolting "HEY! STOP!" I heard one of the security guards yelling behind us but couldn't care less.
Ryou's pov
I don't know what happened. All I remember is going to the mall and seeing people pick on yugi and marik which made me mad and now here I am, running with my friends from security! I look at Melvin with a slightly scared face "what's going on?!" He only picked me up bridal style "you're going too slow and what do you mean by what happened?" He sounded almost as confused as me, I felt my face involuntarily blush "as in what happened? Why are we running from security?" He didn't look down at me as he was running alongside marik who was giving yugi a piggy back ride because he was also going waaaaay to slow. " you started a fist fight with those punk kids." I felt my eyes widen in shock "r-really?" He nodded and my eyes widened even more before going back to normal "did my eyes turn green?" I watched him nod "yeah, it was a little weird." "That happens whenever I'm really mad or psychopathic........" I couldn't help but trail off a little. I silently rejoiced when I realized that security was done chasing us only to almost fall out of melvins grip when he and marik skid to a stop right in front of Bakura and Yami. Bakura was glaring coldly at Melvin with a hand on his hip (( lol sassy much?)) before looking at me while Yami had a slightly jealous look on his face with his arms crossed; marik let go of yugi before breathing heavily, out of breath, he was covered in bruises and sweat, his makeup was slightly smeared "hi fluffy..." He paused to breath deeply "and hi Yami." I just slightly wrapped my arms around melvins neck, not really noticing Bakura glaring at me and Melvin even more.
No ones pov
"Hi marik, can you explain why you're all covered in cuts and bruises along with them?" He gestures to the rest of the group with his hand, looking back at marik when he nervously chuckled " see...that's a funny story actually...." Marik looked like he didn't want to say more which caused Bakura to get closer. Marik carefully took a step back "well?" Bakura questioned. Yami walked over to yugi and lightly pulled him a little close inspecting his face "are you hurt?" Yugi blushed darkly "n-no, I'm fine." Yami couldn't help but quickly smirk before putting on his best innocent face "are you sure? You're face is a really dark red." He held a hand up to yugi cheek, watching his blush darken even more if possible. Marik looked down sheepishly "some kids were picking on yugi so we stood up for him which caused them to start being douches to us which ended in ryou getting really mad and start a fist fight." Bakuras eyes widened a little in shock "so his eyes went green?" Marik nodded his head. Bakura looked over at ryou and Melvin before lessening his suspicious and angry glare "good, those people got what they deserved then..." He started walking in a different direction "everyone come with me, i have a first aid kit at home that can help patch up any bleeding wounds, plus you all need a shower." He said attempting to sound annoyed. Yami looked away from yugi to the direction the others were heading "I think we should probably go with them too." Yugi only nodded still blushing bright red.

((Sorry if this was a slight cliff hanger))

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