More jealousy and angst

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Notes and disclaimers: I don't own yu-gi-oh. I didn't know what to put for this chapter so here's a picture of cosplayers I found on the internet. this chapter is going to have angst in it even though I really want to write fluff. ( a few days after writing the earlier description) I'm tired so now was the perfect time to write angst lol. oh! Also this chapter will have the casteshipping that  I promised :D but it's only a tiny amount T^T sorry.

Also sorry that this took forever to be posted 


No ones POV

Yami hopped into his car and relaxed as soon as the engine started with low purr. For a moment he forgot the events that just happened. How his heart was pained and his stomach filled with an unpleasant ache. He shifted to reverse and made his way out of the mall's parking lot. He had to make it to Atems game or else he will be destroyed... aka hit in the face with a basketball.

(Tiny time skip)

He just barely made it to Atems game on time. The closed area was filled with the sound of sports shoes skidding across the wooden floor. He swiftly made his way to the bleachers and stared out on the game. The home (Atems) team was winning, but it was only the first period. Yami slumped further into his seat, heart heavy as he began to space out. He thought of everything that occurred today, and he was not happy about it. Not only did he have to try and pay for his rent and bills on a teacher's salary, but now he has to also deal with emotional issues on top of that. He was just hoping that the game would be over quickly so he could have a distraction from his thoughts. He would probably even indulge in some ice cream with Atem after the game, a favorite past time they used to do when they were younger. He smiled lightly at the thought of his younger brother before his thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a loud chorus of cheers from the crowd. He looked out at the court and spotted that one of the teammates had scored a 3-pointer. He clapped silently, not really caring at all (( rude bruh, rude ;-;)).

(Major timeskip because I'm a lazy ass) 

Once the fourth period was finally over, Yami stood up, waiting for the teams to hurry up on high diving eachother and saying good game. The home team had won which was no surprise. Yami just was very irritated that he finally got some sleep only for the loud sound of a buzzer (timer for the ending period) to wake him up. After the teams finished the ceremony of congratulations, atem was nowhere to be seen. Yami looked everywhere for him even outside of the large gym, but alas, no basketball player to be seen.  It wasn't until he heard whispering coming from a closet that he knew where his brother ((or did I make him his cousin >~< sorry I lost my mind)) was. He ripped the door open, smirking when two bodies tumbled out, "Well, well. It's about time you came out of the closet." He got an offending finger pointed at him for his efforts. "How long were you not going to tell me that you had the hots for your coach young man?" Yami quirked an eyebrow, a mischevious smirk still plastered across his face as Atems face began to heat up. Two people, atem and akefia, stood swiftly to there feet. Akefia narrowed his eyes at Yami for the teasing while Atem rolled his own. "It's not that much of a surprise is it?" Yami shook his head at the statement, "It may not have been a shocker, but still pissed that you didn't tell me." He crossed his arms but then just shrugged, "want to get ice cream?" "Ice cream sounds great." "I wasn't talking to you Akefia, you stay here." The coach let out a groan and stomped away from the situation. Atem looked at his almost doppelganger, eyes slightly wide. "Sorry if that actually did upset you." Yami just let out a long sigh, "not the worst thing to happen today. Don't worry about it. If you're happy,healthy, and thriving, I honestly don't care. Now, let's go get some Icecream." He began to walk away before Atem could get a word in, talking car keys from his pocket as he made his way to his car. 

(Another time skip after an agonizingly long car ride)

They both sat down at a booth, holding their icecream cones of choice, discussing whatever topic could come to mind, forgetting the stresses of life for a little while longer before they had to return to reality again. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2018 ⏰

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