Did marik get a crush?

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After gym was over Ryou started walking with Yugi and Marik to their next class which was language "What teachers were playing? I wasn't really paying attention." Ryou asked out of curiosity "I wasn't really paying attention either..." Marik admitted trying to think, Yugi just smiled "The teachers who were playing were Akefia,Bakura,Melvin, Yami, Amane, and Ishizu." Ryou eyes widened and he gasped "My sister started working her too?" Marik looked just as surprised "so is my sister." Yugi tilted his head "ms. Amane is the art teacher, did she not tell you that?" Ryou quickly shook his head "well that's interes-" Marik didn't get to finish his sentence because he bumped into a wall "ow! This wall is a jerk!" He started pouting childishly causing both Ryou and Yugi to giggle.
(Mini time skip)
Marik sat in-between Yugi and Ryou while looking around trying to see if the teacher was strict or not by the looks of his class room 'it's a mix of organized and messy...hmm...this will be hard to decipher..' While he was thinking he didn't notice that a certain albino who looked like his friend entered the room "Hello class, I'm Bakura, I don't like people adding mr. To my name because I believe it's unnecessary." Marik snapped out of his daze of thinking when he looked at the teacher. Marik's eyes widened when he saw the teacher and looked at Ryou making sure he wasn't pranking him only to find Ryou just sitting there smiling "If any of you weren't able to tell, I'm Ryou's brother and to those of you who thought I was his father, I'm only 21" Bakura continued gesturing to Ryou when he mentioned his name "I hate improper grammar, so no text talk it's annoying." And with that said teacher grabbed a clipboard "look at your neighbors and try to remember them because these will be your assigned seats for the year." He started writing down the students names "I see that none of you are absent.." After he finished writing down the names he wrote down a sentence "this is the quote of the day, does anyone know who wrote this quote?" He questioned looking around, almost everyone else their hands "good that means you guys aren't stupid. It's a simple quote. Whom to pick on...." He pointed at Marik "do you know who wrote this quote and in which book?" Marik looked at him boredly before realizing that everyone was looking at him causing him to sink into his seat "Isn't it by Lewis C-Carroll from the book Alice in wonderland?" Bakura smirked slightly before nodding "yes it is, so shall we continue this class with today's lesson." He didn't exactly question it and started writing down stuff on the board slightly smirking when he noticed that some people were blushing and one of those people were Marik.
(Lunch time)
Marik took out his food trying to stop blushing hoping his friend didn't notice but sadly, he did "Marik your face is red, are you ok?" Ryou asked while tilting his head "I'm fine, I'm just a little embarrassed that so many people in class were staring at me." Ryou was about to question more about it until Yugi sat down next to him with Joey who sat across. "Who's this?" Marik asked curiously pointing to Joey." "That's Joey, he's my lab partner in science." Ryou said with a small smile "wait you already know him, I was hoping I could introduce him." Yugi said slightly pouting "he's one of my new friends." Ryou smiled when he heard that and said "well I guess he my friend too." Marik just looked at Joey curiously "I guess he's my friend...but I don't really know him.." And with that all said all four of them started eating lunch and Marik started spacing out and thinking about his language teacher.
Ryou sat next to Marik and Yugi sat on Marik's other side when they entered their history class only to be surprised when the teacher walked in and caused Yugi's eyes to widen

((Sorry that this is a little short or a lot short I'm just really bored and tired))

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