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Notes and disclaimers: I don't own the art or yu-gi-oh. I started writing this after school but then I passed out because guess who's sick again? (Somehow Sarcastic Jazz hands) I am! Hope you enjoy this chapter even though it doesn't really have ships in it and mainly focuses on Ryou and Marik.
No ones pov
After dropping yami and yugi off at their houses, Ryou and Marik arrived at their newly fixed dorm. Marik hopped out first, only offering a quick bye and thank you to Bakura as he headed to the door while Ryou gave Bakura a quick hug, even though the older albino looked a little annoyed by it, then began to walk to the door as well. Ryou took out the keys, unlocking the door and entering, Marik following after him before he threw himself down on the couch. Ryou let out a small chuckle at this as he started to head upstairs "are you going to just sleep on the couch?" He earned a grunt in response. "Do you even want to go do something" yet again, he only got a grunt in response. Ryou shook his head lightly as he went into his room, grabbing a sketchbook and pencil on the nightstand before heading downstairs and sitting down on the little bit of couch left, beginning to draw a random face. The blonde lifted his head up a bit to see what Ryou was doing then dropped it back down "we should get something to eat, I'm starving." The violet eyed male broke the comfortable silence, waiting for a response from the other in the room. "that sounds like a good idea, where do you want to go?" "Maybe IHOP, Dennys, or Village inn?" Marik listed off a few places that served both breakfast food and lunch only getting a small shrug and response "IHOP sounds nice." They exited the dorm they just got in and looked at each other "should we take my car or your motorcycle?" Marik shrugged "probably my motorcycle, the cold wind will help wake us up a bit" they both walked to the motorcycle, Marik handing Ryou his spare helmet before putting on his own. He waited for the other to get on a wrap his arms around his waist "Hold on tight"  "just try not to drive as crazily as you did last time." Marik just smirked before taking off down the road and heading to the nearest IHOP.
(Small timeskip)
They entered the building and got seated at the booth near the window, sitting on opposite sides of each other as they looked at the menus, for some reason Marik had a kid menu and seemed to want the funny face pancake ((it's really good, but majorly unhealthily sweet))  meanwhile Ryou just got pasta. They waited for their waiter to come over, his name tag reading 'Gabriel'  "so, what do you want to order?", the waiter was short with blondish brownish hair, with a lollipop sticking out of his mouth. they answered the simple question only to jump slightly as their waiter walked away and purposely bumped into a taller waiter, with longish brown hair named 'Sam'. The short man responded with "whoops sorry moose." Before continuing to walk to the area to place in their order. ((Anyone get it?))
(Small timeskip)
They both happily ate their food with smiles before paying and leaving. Jumping on the motorcycle and heading home to finish the rest of the boring, plain day. They entered their dorm yet again and sat on the couch, Marik turning on the tv as Ryou continued the sketch.

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