Awkward situations, idek

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Notes and disclaimers: I don't own any of the art or Yu-gi-oh. I just realized that I always only respond to the comments with either lol or thank you, which is surprising yet not because I'm even socially awkward online..(hiding in an awkward turtle shell). I'm really tired because it's almost the end of the quarter at school so the pressures high for the preparation of third quarter. I had to quickly bring up my math grade because I was put in honors classes so I'm expected to have the best grades at school by both my parents and my teachers. so yeah, I'm really really sorry! >~<
No ones pov
Marik let out a loud hiss of pain when the white haired teacher started cleaning out his wounds, "Calm down, it's just a little sting." Bakura stated bluntly while rolling his eyes leading to everything being silent between the two. It stayed that way for a while until Marik decided to shatter the awkwardness "Sooo....about the mall thing-" he stopped mid sentence to let out a small yelp when bakura 'accidentally' pressed to hard on a wound, Marik just sent him a glare before pouring childishly "fine, be that way fluffy," "don't move around so much, I'm trying to clean this one out and if you move I might miss the wound and get it in your eye." Marik just crossed his arms and stayed still, letting some more silence fall around the room. The older male let out a sigh in slight relief at the silence only for his eye to begin to twitch "So, are you and Ryou albinos or just extremely pale and dye your hair?" Bakura let out a groan of frustration, resisting the urge to facepalm, he did find Marik amusing but not right now when he was getting ready to punch Melvin in the face. "We're both albino." He cleaned up one last wound before standing up "there, now you're done and may move and speak freely, happy?" The blond nodded his head "yeah, for a second there, I thought that this might have taken forever." Marik began walking out of the room with his teacher, before he caught his brother's bad luck and tripped (( the loose floorboard strikes again!)) Falling directly into the teacher causing him to fall as well. After a while of processing the situation, Marik face became a bright red when he realized that he was straddling bakura, who was glaring up at him with crossed arms. Marik let out a rather 'manly' squeak as he got up quickly, Bakura following, both not noticing the others staring at them.
Melvin's pov
Ryou was just finishing cleaning up my wounds when suddenly there was talking, obviously Marik and bakura, then a loud crash resounded in the room. We all looked over to see that Marik had fallen on top of bakura, 'I knew that that floorboard had a thing out for the ishtar family! Ishizu almost fell over the other day too!' I couldn't help but think while slightly smirking at the large blush across my brother's face and I could've sworn that bakura briefly had a light pink one.
No ones pov
Bakura and Marik began to have a slight banter back and forth, still not noticing the group watching them until yami cleared his throat. Both turned their heads in an almost comical style as they looked at the others. Mariks blush returned ten fold while bakura just had a small light pink one again. "It wasn't what it looked like, I swear I tripped! Ask bakura!" This caused yugi to slight chuckle silently "We know, you made quite the ruckus when you fell, as well as afterwards." Marik cleared his blush up "ok, that's good, because I'm not gay" Melvin and bakura let out slight chuckles at that while yami just gave an amused smile "could've fooled me." The white haired male said with a smirk. Marik sent him a glare before looking at Ryou for help, which he received "it's not nice to pick on people bakura." Ryou scolded even though he kind of wanted to giggle at the entire situation, "especially because I'm not gay" Bakura just put his hands in mock surrender, smirk still on his lips as he sat down "whatever you say Marik."
(Mini time-skip)
They decided that they should all just stay over at bakura's house because they didn't really have any means of transport home except for yami, but because he was exhausted he just stayed over anyways. Groaning in annoyance, bakura grabbed out a bunch of pillows and blankets "I have a guest room upstairs with two beds in it, the couch, Ryou's old room, and the floor. You guys can pick who gets why." With that said he went upstairs to his own room. Melvin shot his hand up first and proudly exclaimed "I call one of the guest beds!" Everyone agrees because they didn't want to deal with a grumpy Melvin lion ((don't question my descriptions (insert slight sassy z-snap that fails terribly) )) Yami was the next one to call where he was going to sleep "I'll just sleep on the other guest bed." And this went on and on until everything was assigned.
Ryou- his old bedroom
Yugi-was going to sleep on the floor but is just sharing a bed with yami
Yami-guest bed
Melvin-other guest bed
Bakura-his bedroom
They all set up where they were going to sleep before closing their eyes. Most were happy that it was still the weekend.

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