Sleepover and dares

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Disclaimers and notes: I don't own any of the art or yu-gi-oh and the picture is part of the story it will also be in the next chapter (unless you'd prefer to just imagine a part of the story)) (((sorry that I took so long to update also be warned my winter break is almost over so I won't update as much
Marik started pouting until he heard someone chuckle behind him causing him to jump slightly and whip around quickly "MY FRIGGIN RA!!!!...oh it's just Bakura...." He said feeling embarrassed for making a scene in front of his best friend and his teacher. He heard Bakura begin to slightly chuckle more "Is he usually this childish?" The said teacher asked his brother only causing Ryou to slightly giggle and Marik to cross his arms.
(Mini timeskip)
During the car ride Marik was mainly looking out the window while Ryou keep his eyes on the street and Bakura was kind of just looking around boredly. Marik had enough of the uncomfortable silence so he decided to break it "Hey Ryou?" Ryou slightly nodded not removing his attention from the road "hm?" "I just realized that I'm going to need to get my stuff for the sleepover..." He continued once he knew his friend was listening "oh crap! I forgot about that! Maybe we can stop by your house?" Ryou said eyes slightly wide to which Marik nodded "Ishizu and Rishid aren't home so I'll have to find the spare key." He sighed slightly not looking forward to it; Bakura was listening to his brother and student's conversation before it finally sunk in that he had said yes to Ryou having a sleepover and that meant he was going to be forced, by Ryou, to join it. Bakura had the urge to just jump out of the car and walk away but decided against it 'It won't be that bad, at least it will more likely be with pretty decent people, maybe Marik might be more hyper than the other but-' his thoughts got interrupted by Marik who said something with both relief and happiness "I almost forgot completely! Melvin's at home so I don't have to look for the keys!" Ryou smiled "that's good." Bakura looked back at Marik 'so this is Melvin's brother...they do look a lot alike.' He thought.
(Major time skip to sleepover)
Ryou and Marik were already in their pajamas while waiting for both Yugi and Bakura, Bakura for getting ready and Yugi for arriving. "So, I saw that you were slightly blushing in math class." Marik said with a slight smirk causing Ryou to blush and his eyes to widen " you see..." He tried to think of words to say trying to not be embarrassed "oh look Bakura's done." He said changing the subject and mentally thanking his brother causing Bakura to raise an eyebrow "I take it that your other friend isn't here yet." He stated as he sat next to Marik. Ryou opened his mouth to respond only to be interrupted by the door bell "Looks like he's here." He stood up and opened the door "hello Yugi!" He said smiling at the small tri-color haired boy "come in!" Yugi smiled back before he walked in and looked around "You have a nice house." He said politely before walking over to Bakura and Marik and sat down on the other side of Marik. Ryou walked back over still smiling and sat next to Yugi "so, what do you guys wanna do?" Marik's eyes brightened up once he asked "how about we play truth or dare?!" He asked enthusiastic to which Ryou smiled medium wide, Yugi gave a thumbs up, and Bakura just slightly nodded. Marik was going to start the game because it was his idea "Yugi, truth or dare?" Yugi started to think before replying "truth." Causing Marik to smirk widely and evilly "Do you have a crush on Mr. Sennen?" Once he asked this question Ryou looked like he was ready to scold him again and Yugi was blushing dark Crimson "y-yeah..I do." He said still blushing before turning to Ryou "truth or dare?" Ryou smiled before responding with "dare." Which caused Yugi to get a small evil revenge smile. Marik was too busy having a mini accomplishment moment in his head that he didn't notice that Ryou was right in front of him with a can of silly string until he got sprayed "WHAT IN THE NAME OF RA!" He shouted surprised as he started trying to block the silly string which caused Yugi and Bakura to slightly laugh, once Ryou ran out of spray he instantly jumped behind his brother "I was dared!" Marik just wiped the string off his face before laughing "I (laugh) know, I kind of deserved that." He paused during his statement to laugh "your turn Ryou." Ryou looked at his brother "Bakura, truth or dare?" Bakura blinked not really wanting to be part of this "dare?" He almost asked which caused Ryou to smile "I dare you actually can't think of one...Yugi can you help me?" Yugi nodded before whispering an idea in his ear "I dare you to tell me if you have a crush on anyone." Ryou said confidently which caused Bakura to chuckle "yes I do in fact." Nobody noticed how Marik had a hint of dread and hope in his eyes. Bakura remembered how the game went and knew it was his turn "Marik, truth or dare?" Marik looked at him after being slightly distracted "huh? Oh,yeah, um, dare." Bakura slightly smirked "well since I don't really have a good dare I'll just have to do the one I was just asked. Do you have a crush on anyone?" Marik nodded before responding "yup!" He barely noticed that Bakura slightly narrowed his eyes, "your turn Marik." Yugi said which caused Marik to smirk widely "can I ask truth or dare to two people?" Everyone lookedat each other before either shrugging or nodding "ok, Bakura and Ryou, truth or dare?" The brothers who looked almost like twins looked at each other and responded at exactly the same time "dare." Which caused Marik to smirk wider "I might get an F in Language arts for this but oh well." Bakura gave him a look while Ryou's eyes widened before muttering "oh fudge." "I dare you two to wear matching girl outfits that look like something a preppy girl would wear and to wear it to school tomorrow." This caused both Ryou's and Bakura's eyes to widen "I wish I could give you an F now."

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