Chapter 12:

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Lucas' POV:
I've been really worried about Riley. She still hasn't told me what's been going on with her. Charlie being at Riley's made me pissed off. Even more of what he said to me right before we got in that fight. Hopefully she'll talk to me soon.
Riley's POV
I walked into Topanga's with the best news ever. Ahhh. I'm so excited. "Hey guys."
Lucas: "Hey. Riles"
Every time he said that it made my heart melt. I smiled a little when he said that.
Maya: "Peaches."
After that I got multiple heys and hellos.
So we sat down and got some snacks. I just couldn't wait to tell them anymore. "Ok so you know how my family has that cabin in the woods in North Carolina?"
All: "Yeah?"
Riley: "So my dad and mom agreed that I should get some time away from here, so they are sending me there over our summer break."
Lucas: "Oh so your going to be gone all summer long?"
Riley: "Yes, but my parents are letting me bring all of you. Oh and all your parents agreed so go get packing." I said with a huge smile on my face.
I got multiple hugs and thank you's and with that everyone rushed off to getting packing and I sent out a group message to everyone.
It said "Hey guys so we are gonna leave really early on Thursday morning. So be at my house by 5:30am. Ugh IK. Sorry. Lucas will drive, Zay and so will Farkle. Have fun packing. ;)"
Maya: "Ugh. No fine. I'll be there."
Farkle: "Okay."
Lucas: "Okay. ;)"
Zay: "Yeps"
Sarah: "K"
We all spent the next few days packing and talking about the trip. We decided Maya would spend the night cause she can barely get up at 6.
Thursday at 5:00 am.
"Maya we have to get up."
"Ok but I'm wearing sweats."
Riley:"I KNOW your not going to."
Maya: "Why won't I."
Riley: "Cause your riding with Farkle."
Maya: "Ugh. Fine, but I'm just wearing a ponytail."
Riley: "Sure you are."
Maya: "Ugh. Fine."
Riley: "Come on. Let's get ready."
With that we got ready and when we were finished it was time to ring them up. We were probably gonna stop somewhere to eat after. We were about to leave when I heard my dad
"Ok. So no funny business on this trip."
Lucas and Farkle: "Yes. Sir."
Zay: "Uh. Huh"
With that I put my stuff in Lucas' car and then I hopped in the front seat of Lucas' car. Maya was in Farkle's car and Sarah in Zay's. With that we were off on like a 10 hour road trip.

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