Chapter 5

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The news anchor reports a catastrophic impact inside the grounds of New York from the area after the four stop the boogeyman for Sally clearing away the mass hysteria. Principal glenwich and the staff created an assembly, and he taps on the microphone to heed the students' attention.

"Good morning students," principal glenwich spoke, "We all understand the reason why we're in the auditorium for this special event. A group of four highly intellectual, strong, valiant, and charismatic gentlemen save our school from the dangers of the evil ghosts like phantasm, specters, and haunted animation."

Backstage, the boys discuss about not knowing about their group's name leaving Egon thinking harder before Principal Glenwich announced it.

"Egon, what are you doing?" Peter questioned, seeing Egon reading the eight chapter of the same book.

"Thinking of a group's name." Egon answered, "guess I'm out of ideas."

"You're out of ideas? Great, we don't have a name for our group." Peter sighed in disappointment.

"Today, we shall see. Ladies and gentlemen, freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors help me welcome, the Ghostbusters." Principal Glenwich announced as Winston, Peter, Egon, and Ray approach to the stage as everyone mad their blustering noise of enthusiasm.

"Ghostbusters?" Peter quoted.

"Hey, the title works for me." Winston shrugged.

"Yeah, I like that name, ghostbusters, yeah, ghostbusters." Ray shouted in ecstasy.

"Yeah, yeah Ray, cool your jets." Peter responded.

"Uh thank you, thank you." Egon grinned rubbing his auburn hair, and he turns to Ray.

"Does everyone had a great time?!" Ray hollered, bringing in the fire to the audience.

The audience lift their fists in the air, chanting the group's name out loud with enthusiasm, and Janine arrives after Egon's uncle Cyrus drop her off at the school. In addition, the news reporters appear in front of them with the microphones in their hands to progress the answers from the crew. The principal decides to have them answer one at a time; however, Janine struggles to clear her path with the message in her hand written in bold. She bumps into Coach Hightower and got in trouble.

"hey, watch your step, Melnitz!" Coach Hightower shouted.

"but coach!" Janine complained.

"No buts, 50 push-ups."Coach Hightower fumed, and Janine squads down and leans forward to the ground and pushes her arms down starting her exercise as told. Peter glimpses at Janine behind the audience, so he ought to get her out of the situation by writing a gym excuse but was interrupted by the reporter.

"Are you kids working for the spectral exterminator, Dr. Lori Fischer?" The female anchor asked pointing the station microphone to Peter.

"Yes, well she has provided the four of us with the high tech equipment related to hunting poltergeists. Without crossing the streams, we were able to save our school with no mercy. I'll let Egon do all the talking." Peter suggested, so he allows Egon to accost with the reporters on his first busting experience with his fellow comrades.

"This was a new journey to catch malevolent specters, Ghostbusters. In fact, the reason behind us is by our fantastic mystery based on the redemption of the ghosts. For the most part, 2016 and we, as teenagers, are ready to believe you." Egon stated.

"There you have it folks, the Ghostbusters' debut brought our audience to our attention and willing to bust any poltergeists from condemned buildings." the female reporter broadcasted.

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