Chapter 12

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"Egon, you can't give up busting ghosts. What about the things we did? What about Dr. Fischer? I hope there's some other way to free Principal Glenwich, I mean spectral sleuth Jonathan from prison." Ray suggested.

"Don't you get it! Vice principal Hawkins expelled the four of us from Hunter College High School, for the damages we've done, containment unit explosion, and alignment with former spectral exterminators. It feels like my heart has been torn apart, send into a parallel universe, where it's never seen again." Egon fretted.

"Then, how did your uncle first met Jonathan, CariDee, and Lori?" he inquired.

"Hello, they're the spectral exterminators. They capture apparitions, spooks, and ghosts like we do." Peter stated. 

"Peter is right, Egon, we...what's the word?" CariDee asked Winston. 

"The word you're looking for is Bust." Winston answered. 

"We bust ghost in in the 1980's, I think it's time for the new generation to step up." CariDee replied, resting her hand on Egon's left shoulder. 

"Either way, visiting hours are open in the New York prison. Let's schedule our visit with him. Are you guys with me?" Winston petitioned.

"I am." Ray hollered, raising his hand.

"Me too. I hope it makes Egon feel better." Peter stated.

"I'll use my magic to visit the New York prison, you boys go ahead and do what you do best." CariDee stated. 

"See you later, Cari." Peter replied to the female illusionist and former Spectral Exterminator, so she throws her smoke to make herself disappear. 

"Ok guys, back to Ecto-1." Winston responded, so he and the other busters exit from the school. 

He starts Ecto-1 completely using the keys; additionally, he gently steers the wheel in reverse mode without hitting the other cars, and he pushes the lever to forward. CariDee reads through Egon's mind while setting courses to visit the New York prison. 

If the Ecto-containment unit exploded, this led to the result of more ghosts leaving the unit. Egon pondered, and he snaps his fingers, "guys, I think I figure out why the containment unit malfunctioned?" 

"You do, Egon." Peter replied. 

"Affirmative, maybe we can note to Principal Glenwich when CariDee prove to the officers he's not guilty." Egon stated to the others. 

Breaking news! There's a ghastly incident inside an apartment in Manhattan. The Kendra apartment undergoes a frozen impact when a trio of ghosts decrease the room temperature; a chilling reception, indeed, and frozen figures surround the desolated area. The question is who can stop this freezing mayhem? a news reporter broadcasted on the radio. 

"Looks like it's a job for the Young Ghostbusters." Peter responded bravely and turns his head to Winston, "alright Winston, let's roll." 

Winston turns the steering wheel to the right to their next destination in Manhattan, for the outcomes of catching a ghost brought in the attention to the boys easily. As the traffic light turns red, he stops the car and glances at a runic male with grisly, bony fingers reading a newspaper from New York Times. 

"Excuse us, yes hi, can you tell us the direction to the Kendra apartment?" Ray asked, yet a ghost reveals his grimly red eyes. 

"Yes, I can." he cackled, revealing his distorted, half-eaten face. 

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