Ray discovers in an article about a catastrophic house in Albany; moreover, he has learned during his English class with Mrs. Eisenhower online. He places the computer down and heeds his attention on the presentation Egon is going to present. Egon became strict with the diabolical schemes of the male villain behind the threat; in addition, the auburn-haired boy with glasses reveals the first part of the clip to his fellow busters about the verdict behind the explosion of the containment unit in Hunter College High School. The man enters the room after CariDee fixes the containment unit with her helpful magic and a friendly reunion with principal Glenwich.
"Is that Dr. Reynolds?" Ray pointed out.
"What, it can't be him." Glenwich gasped, "he was my only friend I can rely on, but now..."
"He's an agent working for Gozer the Gozerian." Egon stated to the principal.
"He's the one who shut down the ecto-containment unit and got me in jail." he scowled, "I can't believe this. He was supposed to be my friend."
"Used to be." Ray corrected him.
"Where did you find this clip?" Peter asked CariDee despite the evidence he's receiving from the incident.
"I found it from the surveillance cameras, for he has cause our containment to shut down." CariDee responded, "oh boys, I should've keep our passcode a secret from the evil Cazzar; instead, I gave it away on accident."
"CariDee?!" Principal Glenwich exclaimed in protest after hearing the aftereffects.
"I'm sorry Jon, I didn't pay attention to the passcode." CariDee responded, scratching her head.
"We don't care whose fault is it? All we know is we have to figure out a way to stop this so called Cazzar from opening a cross dimensional portal for Gozer to our world." Egon responded to the others.
"Exactly, as long as we're in this together, we can win this war." Winston agreed.
"Oh great, this study of phantasm and magical illusion potentially drives us to our downfall." Peter scoffed to the others, but they glare at him because of the comment he stated about the lethal group of apparitions.
"It looks like we need to expand our weapons, most or our weapons." Ray agreed.
"Those are the weapons I technically build and obviously what is the purpose of upgrading the weapons?" Glenwich replied to the boys, "ok guys, you win. Heavy artillery it is."
"We must start right away." Egon responded.
"The question is why? Why did Dr. Reynolds shut down the containment unit from our school?" Janine inquired to the others.
"He has the feathers upon his head and manor red demon eyes. Hello, he's working for Gozer the Gozerian." Peter scowled, folding his arms together carelessly.
"That means, I befriended a monster." Glenwich screamed in anger.
"Principal, calm down." Winston replied appeasing Glenwich's chagrin, "there has to be a way to stop this Cazzar figure. Egon, can you use your computer to track down his whereabouts?"
Egon accesses to the whereabouts of their feline, feathery apparition. He uses the radar from his computer to detect the presence, and their adversary is located somewhere in the distance of Hunter College High school and Madison Avenue. In addition, he discovers an aha moment that brought to the attention of the Ghostbusters members. Peter realizes at first even the principal believes it can benefit the society of ghost hunting despite the moments they experience.
"I've got it, the villain's location is under the section of the third floor." Egon responded, so he zooms into the science teacher using the surveillance cameras. Vice principal Hawkins proposes a staff meeting in the meeting room, and she accidentally bumps on another vice principal based on the imperative details he gather. A ghost follows her trail, yet she seems careless for the moment when she realized the school has been haunted.
The Young Ghostbusters
ParanormalWe took the ghostbusters to a new level with the male ghostbusters, this time in their teenage years, and they will be busting ghosts inside and outside of the school campus in New York.