Chapter 16

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A woman with dirty blonde hair tied to a big ponytail wearing a platinum white miniskirt exits from the stadium, in which she performs at a concert, but she finds herself in an unlikely populated area. She receives a text message from an unknown being in her cell phone, yet she hasn't knew much about the supernatural. Her name is Ariana Grande, a famous pop star, for she is the victim of an unknown ghostly attack. As she approaches to her tour bus, she feels something is haunting her. There were unwavering shadows of a figure crawling through the pavilion, and Ariana turns around helplessly.

"Hello, who's there?" Ariana queried, glancing at the atmosphere of the area.

A ghost scurries through the spaces of the pavilion adjacent the buses across the sordid areas until she witnesses a woman in a tricorn black cloak holding a major red candle. In reality, Ariana deems ghosts as spine chilling creatures of the night, for she approaches to the reticent figure with her body startled. The red eyes of the subtle figure detects her move, for it tilts its head upward revealing its deathly and explicit eye contact on her. The tires threw by themselves at her, and the lights power out. Therefore, she screams in trepidation and sprints away from the ghost haunting her. She bangs at the door calling someone for help, yet her back up dancers exit from the corridor. She falls down the stairs after an abnormal purview with a ghost she hurries away from, so she exits outside of the stadium till she bumps into a police officer whose talking to another officer.

"Officers, you got to help me." Ariana sobbed in formidable shock, trying to get the officers to believe her. Instead, they nabbed her for not urgently reveal the side of the ghostly mayhem, "you got to believe there are ghost everywhere, he's haunting me. Officers, please, you got to believe me!"

"Yeah! Yeah! Tell that to the commissioner, sweet heart." The officer responded carelessly.

"I say we interrogate her." Another officer responded to the other.

"Wait until Commissioner Peck arrives." The third officer stated, and Luke and his son, Walter, enter from the exterior with the criminal he nabbed.

"Luke, you're back. I have receive word a victim undergoes a so called ghostly assault." The first officer responded.

"What's her name?" Luke questioned.

"Ariana Grande, she used to star in the hit show Victorious, and she released her second album My Everything." the first officer reported.

"Impossible." Walter scowled, growing into laxity, "that woman has devoted her career as a superstar, but now, she's turning herself into a mental psychopath."

"Son, what did I say about using that word." Luke scowled.

"To not to." he quoted.

"I'll interrogate the witness while you fix me up an espresso. Got it!" Luke offered.

"Yes sir." his son nodded, exiting from the halls.

Luke Peck enters the interrogation room as a female officer opens the door for him, and Ariana appears ina strait jacket and florid contusions around her face on her despite the incredible paranoia she embraces from her past. He pulls the chair a foot apart from the table ampersand a drastic call heed the attention of the witness.

"How are we today, Ariana?" Luke questioned her using the tape to record her voice.

"How am I today? How am I today?! You have no idea. I was running for my life from this thing with glowing red roaming towards me, and he's still looking at me." Ariana explained to Luke as Walter appears with the espresso his father ordered.

"Here's your espresso, father." Walter responded.

"Thank you son." Luke replied, opening the lid of his coffee.

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