Chapter 8

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The thought about catching Gozer catches the attention of the four gentlemen; in addition, four of whom took notes on the paranormal impact it manifests to construct the end of the world. Egon plays the documentary his late mentor made during her research in an abbot somewhere in China discussing her viewers about the topics of the phantoms. Ray stands there watching the documentary, and Peter finishes the last of his baked ham despite the exploits he watched.

"As you can see, these Chinese ghosts, based on its culture, has its five types. The Ba Jioa Gui, the E Hui, Jiang Shi, Nu Gui, and the Yuan gui. Many of whom made history too long it was influenced other Asian cultures and their beliefs. Also, they have been worshipped by the Chinese monks for ten centuries. In number ten in our countdown, we're going to discuss about the water ghosts." Dr. Fischer broadcasted from Egon's flat screen tv, and the redhead pauses the documentary.

"Well?" Egon questioned his comrades.

"Ancient Chinese ghosts linger today supposedly. Depending on the Chinese culture, it's definitely the case we might resolved." Ray pointed out.

"I do agree these Chinese figures propounded the monks regardless on their culture." Winston agreed.

"One time, I was at a Chinese New Year's Eve festival with my eighth grade class, and we spotted two males posing as the New Year's beast, but an incident occurs when a real New Year's beast created a mishap to the parade guests. For crying out loud, this monster will pay for the damage it has done." Peter shared his experiences with his comrades briskly.

"Thank you for sharing your experience with us, Peter." Egon commented and turns back to the television, "now, let's get back to the documentary."

Egon presses the play button to continue the documentary until the phone rings interrupting the presentation, so Janine answers the phone completely while Egon lowers the volume.

"Hello, this is Spengler's residence, friend of Egon speaking," Janine answered, "yes, a ghost in your temple? A haunting inside of Chinatown, are you sure? Ok."

"Here comes my favorite part." Ray replied.

Dr. Fischer investigates the chamber of the Great Wall of China, and she captures a malevolent yet clumsy water ghost in front of her with her standardized ghost trap.

"You see. Water ghosts are nothing but the clumsiest apparitions in China." Dr. Fischer responded, showing the ghost trap fumed with smoke.

"Isn't that funny?" Ray laughed.

"It is, how did she do that?" Winston asked Egon.

"She easily captures the ghost when it approaches in sight." Egon answered.

"Guys." Janine shouted, and Egon pauses the documentary, "that call is from a Chinese male in the name of Zhou Ling. He's requesting your services."

"Another ghost hunt, excellent. This will be just like in the documentary." Ray replied.

"Simple enough," Peter agreed.

"I'll go get my coat." Egon responded as he exits from the sofa to find his futuristic, ghostbusting, white coat from his bedroom.

"Let's get this show on the road." Peter replied.

"Road?! We forgot we had an exam today with Coach Hightower." Winston responded.

"An exam? Anyone study?" Peter questioned.

"There's a chance we did." Ray suggested as Egon returns with his coat.

"Show time." Peter replied, exiting Egon's house as Janine continue watching the documentary of Dr. Fischer about China's top scary ghosts.


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