Chapter 19

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Flashing lights appear teeming the person whose life has been exposed when the dawn of the Black Slime plague discloses, for the two young adults experience the reason of the existence of the malfunctioning spread. A man in his thirties and his wife arrived at the parallel zone of the hotel Sedgewick despite his devotion for his family, and he hears footsteps coming from the elevator. 

"Hello?" the man called to the hotel, but no response until a spirit appears in front of the desk. 

"Who's there?" the blonde haired woman asked terrified. 

It has grotesque, bubbly, pointy, pink fingers, it has arid, florid, spotty spores over his chest, triceps, and shoulders, it also has black spores on his back, it has fangs like a vampire, it has dark, circular red eyes matching its bags, and its medium blonde hair fell off nearly bald. The putrid ghost opens its corruptive arms summoning tentacles from its oxters, and the couple screamed holding each other. The spider witch's ghost spun her web to tangle the both. 


On a Saturday morning, at the third floor of the firehouse, the principal takes a day off from watching after the boys and Janine for a business trip, so he left the Mysterious CariDee in charge. She meditates to increase her stamina and illusion skills, yet Peter tries to walk away from the story Ray shared. 

"Oh no." Peter protested, walking away from Ray. 

"Aww come on Peter, we got to save him." Ray begged him with a smile. 

"Save who?" Peter asked. 

"Dr. Patrick Dodgers, he's the coolest guy ever and my hero." Ray answered. 

"Let me guess, a wannabe immortal is in trouble in the Sedgewick hotel, and now you want me to save him. Like someone said in an interview, he's a Mary Sue. Well, I'm not buying it, end of conversation." Peter scolded. 

"Come on Pete, he's the coolest guy ever and my hero." Ray quoted. 

"And my older cousin." a male voice came from the third floor of the firehouse, and when they turned around, it was from Egon apologetically. 

"Wait, did you say Dr. Patrick Dodgers is your cousin, Egon?" Winston asked. 

"Yes, if we don't save him and his wife, they're going to die and be turned into ghosts." Egon answered sadly. 

"We can't let that happen. After all, genius runs in the family." Winston commented. 

"Wait, Patrick Dodgers is your cousin? Hahahaha! You made me laugh." Peter laughed, "you, Patrick, cousins." The other two busters weren't impressed with the false mirth making Egon miserable, so he stopped laughing, "alright, let's get down to business. Where can we find your cousin in the Sedgwick hotel?" 

"We will start right here, at the 12th floor." Egon responded. 

"We have covered the dungeon inside the Public Library, we clear away the cellar membrane in our school. Now were heading for the Sedgewick hotel to confront the Spider witch and the ghost that kidnapped them." Peter responded. 

"Weaponry, check. Proper equipment, check. Sketch of mandala map, check." Ray replied, "now we're off to the Sedgewick hotel and save Taylor and Egon's older cousin and my hero Patrick." 

The boys exit from the third floor using a pole to glide downward; moreover, they accidentally bump into each other causing to lose grip of the fire pole. 

"That was embarrassing." Egon replied in abash, standing up from the floor followed by the other ghostbusters. 

"Next time, we'll take the pole one at a time or the stairs." Peter suggested, sweeping the dust from his dark grey jumpsuit. 

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