Chapter One

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***Okay, so for you new readers to this story.... I know this story needs ALOT of editing! But its not unreadable!! I know I made a few grammer and spelling mistakes. Now that I've finished the story I'm starting to edit it... for now ENJOY ;)***



Ashley heard on her bedroom door as she crawled out of bed.

"WAKE UP AND GET YOUR ASS TO SCHOOL!" Ashley heard her mother say from the other side of the door.

"Drunken bitch" she murmured to herself as she pulled her black long sleeve shirt over her head.

As she tying her other shoe she heard more banging on her door followed by screaming from her mother.

Before she had the chance to open the door, her mother had swung it open and slapped her across the face.

Ashley saw the vodka bottle in her moms hand.

Ashley: M-mom please stop.... This isn't like you, your drunk.

She then took the vodka bottle from her moms hands and said "you've had enough"

"Don't tell me when I've had enough!" Her mother yelled and slapped her across the face once more, she then took the vodka bottle back, and left the room.

Before her mother could come back she quickly covered the marks her mother had left on her face with makeup, grabbed her backpack, and then started to walk to school.


As Ashley walked to her locker she heard in the background, "emo bitch, go die already you useless faggot."

Ashley ignored it, closed her locker and walked to class.

--After School--

As Ashley was walking home from school she heard girls in the background.

Why do you wear so much black?!
I know you hear me talking to you?!
I know you heard me talking to you when you were standing by your locker!
Ugh those combat boots are so ugly!
Geez do you have enough bracelets on?!

They started taunting Ashley, but as always she ignored them and continued walking home.

After a while, calling Ashley names wasn't amusing anymore, So they began to punch her and push her around.

Ashley then fell to the ground, crying.

Ashley: P-please stop! Leave me alone! I never did anything to you! She cried. Each time she begged them to stop they would beat her even more and laugh at her.

After beating Ashley for a while the girls left laughing at her.

Ashley then got up and ran home ignoring the pain in her arms, thighs, and stomach.

When she finally got home she jumped into her bed, plugged in BVB music, and pulled out her neck less of razors.

She dragged the blade across her wrists with rage and started to cry realizing that she broke her promise that she wasn't going to cut.

She didn't know why she did it, she just knew she had to.

After cutting she washed off her arm and the blade, She then jumped back into her bed and soon fell asleep listening to Carolyn by BVB.

Those times in life we learn to try, with one intention
Of learning how and when we'll die, but we can't listen
I wish to God I'd known that I, I didn't stand a chance
Of looking back and knowing why, or pain of circumstance

'You're not alone
We'll brave this storm

So here's my song I wrote in time, when it was needed
Through pain of heart or loss of mind, your burdens lifted
You aren't alone just know that I, can't save our hearts tonight

You're not alone
We'll brave this storm
Let's face today
You're not alone

You're not alone
We'll brave this storm
Let's face today
You're not alone

You're not alone
We'll brave this storm
Let's face today'

--An Hour Or So Later--

When Ashley woke up she went to the living room to see if her mother was home.

She walked in to only see her mothers boyfriend sitting on the couch, drinking beer, and watching TV.

He then said "your home? I've been waiting, your mother's working late tonight. You know what that means. Don't you?"

There was a slight moment of pure silence. They then looked at each other.

He then said "Dont you try anything stupid Ashley!"

Ashley then ran to her room, locked the door, and cried in her bed.


"Let me in you bitch." He yelled

Ashley: NO! You aren't doing this to me anymore! GO AWAY AND LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!

He eventually kicked down the door.

"You stubborn little punk." He said

"Please don't do this" Ashley begged,

He then punched her in the nose, leaving it to bleed. He then pushed her down to the ground, which caused her to pass out.

She woke up a little later to him beating her mom. She was slightly confused to why he was. She thought she would wake up to something else.. Like often times.. He would always beat Ashley and hardly ever touch her mom. Last thing she remembered he was trying to beat her... Ashley tried to stop it but she couldn't.

"Go away, you've done enough Ashley!!" Her mother said very angry.

Ashley slammed her door, grabbed a suitcase and filled it with everything she needed.

Ashley then grabbed her bed and clenched it in her arms, waiting for things around the house to calm down and for everyone to fall asleep.


After waiting a while she glanced at the clock and it read 1:30am

She then quietly walked to the kitchen and grabbed her mothers money stash and packed some food away.

She then skimped back to her room and climbed out of the window.

Ashley then ran to the nearest bus station as fast as she could.

Not knowing what quite to do she walked into the bus station bathroom and locked herself in. She then grabbed a blade from her bag and started to cut.

After calming down she knew what she was going to do, she was going to Hollywood California.

She then washed her blade and wrists and put her blade in her bag.

She walked to the front desk and asked the lady sitting there "The next bus to Hollywood, California please."

"How old are you? You must be over the age of 15 to travel alone without parental confirmation." The lady asked,

"17" Ashley said.

She then handed the lady at the front desk her school ID to prove it,

"Alrighty, that'll be 86.50" said the lady

Ashley handed her the money, received the ticket from the lady, and sat at the bench waiting for her bus.


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