Chapter Fourteen

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When I woke up I was exhausted. I think I slept 2 hours most last night. I had to walk back and fourth calming the baby down.

I threw some clothes on and asked Sammi to hold the baby while I transferred the crib to my room.

When I was finished I asked Sammi and Ella to watch Andrea while I went to go pick out a ring.

I drove to the place where I wanted to pick out Ashley's ring. When I walked in and looked at all the rings I saw the perfect one. It had an Aquamarine birthstone on it like Ashley's promise ring but the ring part was silver and covered in mine aquamarine gems.

I knew it was perfect. I paid for it and asked the lady to put it in a blue box with a silver ribbon. I didn't want to be traditional. Every little detailed mattered at this point.

I drove home and went straight to Sammi's room to get Andrea

"Can We see it?!" Ella asked.

"Pretty please" Sammi said.

I giggled and pulled out the ring.

"Amazing Andy" Sammi said.

"I think it's perfect and she's gonna love it" Ella said.

I put the ring back in my pocket and carried Andrea up to her crib. I looked at her and watched her sleep in my arms. I can't believe I made you. I can't believe I'm a dad.

As I was laying her down in her crib I felt someone grab me from the behind. I looked back and it was Ashley.

"You're home early" I said.

"Jake helped calming me down and I was healthy enough to come home today" she said smiling

"You're so happy" I said. "Im surprised you're even touching me. " I said nervously.

"Jake explained everything to me. I'm sorry I didn't trust you babe. I'm so sorry and I love you." She said.

I smiled and gave her a hug. "I'm so glad you aren't mad at me any more" I said as I gave her a kiss.

"I'm ready to put that promise ring back on." She said.

"I have something even better" it was the perfect moment to ask her.

I got down on one and grabbed her hand. "Ashley. The day you came to live with us I fell for you completely. You care more about others than yourself. You're pretty and smart. You continue to surprise me everyday. I love you and our little Andrea so much. I don't wanna spend the rest of my life with any one else but you two. Will you marry me?" I nervously asked pulling the ring out.

She started to tear up. "Of course!" She said. I got up and kissed her. I slipped on the ring and she kept repeating the same thing over and over again she was so happy. "Aaaahhh!!! Of course I will!! I love you so much." She said.

i picked her up. "Ow. Ow. Ow. Babe I'm still aching." She said. "Oh. I'm sorry I forgot" I said as we both giggled.

She walked over to Andrea and picked her up ever so gently. She looked into her eyes and started to cry. "Why are you upset?" I asked patting her back.

"Can you believe we are parents. Engaged parents. We don't have to decide her last name anymore." She said giggling with tears of joy.

"Andrea, Andrew, and Ashley Biersack" she added.

I smiled at her. "We gotta break the news to everyone about the engagement and us moving out." I told her.

"Let's do it tonight. We can hang out and watch movies down stairs. Then we'll find the perfect moment to break the news." She said as she handed me Andrea.

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